BentoML Boilerplate is a template for building model serving systems using BentoML.
We haveIt has been confirmed that this project works well in Python 3.9.5 version.
Below is a list of versions of major libraries that have been confirmed to work well.
- BentoML==0.13.1
- tensorflow==2.8.0
- torch==1.11.0
- scikit-learn==1.0.2
Install the dependencies recorded in requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run to train the model.
To specify a project, fill the --project option with its name.
$ python --project=<PROJECT_NAME>
# example
$ python --project=iris_sklearn
$ python --project=mnist_tf
$ python --project=mnist_torch
Run to pack the model to the service.
To specify a project, fill the --project option with its name.
$ python --project=<PROJECT_NAME>
# example
$ python --project=iris_sklearn
$ python --project=mnist_tf
$ python --project=mnist_torch
To start a REST API model server locally with the IrisClassifier saved above, use the bentoml serve command followed by service name and version tag:
$ bentoml serve IrisSKClassifier:latest
Alternatively, use the saved path to load and serve the BentoML packaged model directly:
# Find the local path of the latest version IrisSKClassifier saved bundle
$ saved_path=$(bentoml get IrisSKClassifier:latest --print-location --quiet)
$ bentoml serve $saved_path
One common way of distributing this model API server for production deployment, is via Docker containers. And BentoML provides a convenient way to do that.
If you already have docker configured, run the following command to build a docker container image for serving the IrisClassifier prediction service created above:
$ bentoml containerize IrisSKClassifier:latest -t iris-sklearn
Start a container with the docker image built from the previous step:
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 iris-sklearn:latest --workers=2
Check out the BentoML documentation for more usage examples.