This is the Application Tier for a simple Notes app. Built in Node.js and Express.js. You are required to:
- Setup a connection to a SQL database.
- Upon connection success, create the relavent table(s) if it does not exist.
- Fetch all notes
- Create a new note
- Update an existing note
- Delete an existing note
- Search notes by content
- Bulk delete all existing notes
Fork this repo and clone your forked repo. How to do so?
On your local machine, go to the folder and install dependencies
npm i
- Run the app
npm start
- Now server is listening on http://localhost:3001
- If you go to http://localhost:3001 on your browser, you should see:
CSBC1010 Assignment 3 - My Notes
- If you go to http://localhost:3001/health on your browser, you should see:
API is working properly
- If the above two links do not work as expected, please contact me.