A Gatsby source plugin for Directus.
This plugin converts your Directus content schema into Gatsby nodes. Allowing you to use your data in Directus to build out your static sites.
- Converts image columns into image sharp compatible gatsby nodes
- requires gatsby-image
- requires gatsby-plugin-sharp
- requires gatsby-transformer-sharp
- if these plugins aren't available, no image processing will be done
- Converts markdown columns into markdown compatible gatsby nodes
- Recursively builds child nodes for relational data.
- Many to One relations
- Many to Many relations
- Properly handles toggle ui elements from gatsby to transform them into boolean values
npm install --save gatsby-directus
Add gatsby-directus to the plugins in gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Default Starter',
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-directus`,
options: {
url: `https://api.mydirectusdomain.com`,
accessToken: `AKDJFKDJ@#@#@`,
advancedImageProcessingEnabled: false
This plugin processes directus images into image sharp compatible nodes as long as gatsby-image is installed, however, you may get issues if you don't have gatsby-plugin-sharp and gatsby-transformer-sharp installed as well.
It does this by downloading the images into .cache/directus.
npm install --save gatsby-image gatsby-plugin-sharp gatsby-transformer-sharp
Additionally, in order to transform gatsby image nodes we need to pass in an option to gatsby-directus telling it to include those transformers.
Example Config:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Default Starter',
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-directus`,
options: {
url: `https://api.mydirectusdomain.com`,
accessToken: `AKDJFKDJ@#@#@`,
advancedImageProcessingEnabled: true