mnlm (中文文档)
Source code of robotic arm demo (see
- Install Docker and Docker Compose.
docker-compose up --build -d
This command will build the docker image for the server side, and also start the docker container.
Users can also access the simulation environment through the browser by visiting http://localhost:8080/vnc.html
- Login to the docker container.
If you use vscode, you can install the
Dev Container
extension and open the running container. Otherwise, you can login to the docker container by running the following command:
docker exec -it mnln-ros_dev_env-1 /bin/bash
- Start the ROS2 simulation.
cd /home/small-thinking/mnlm/mnlm/robot/robot_arm_ws
colcon build --symlink-install ; source install/setup.bash ; ros2 launch robot_arm
You should see the server side program started. And you can visit `http://localhost:8080/vnc.html`` to see the Gazebo Fortress simulation environment.
- In your host machine. You can run the command to start the voice based UI.
In the project folder:
cd mnlm/client/gpt_control
Then you can see the client side started, and you will be prompoted to tell the robot what to do.