I was so often looking for a simple electron boilerplate that has already implemented all things like the tray icon, a builder and reloading the main process. Additionally it should have as few dependencies as possible. I didn't really find what I was looking for, so I built this little starter kit.
- Tray-Icon support
- TypeScript main process
- Yarn workspaces (https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/workspaces)
- electron-builder
- Auto reloading main process
- A small plugin to set window size inside the vue files
- src/main/src/index.js | Start at line 48
- src/renderer/src/main.js | Start at line 12
├── app/
│ └── resources/ # resources like the tray icon image
├── build/
│ └── icons/ # application icon
├── src/
│ ├── renderer/ # renderer process (e.g. react, vue, angular, svelte etc.)
│ └── main/ # main process
│ │ ├── src/ # all main files
│ │ └── types/ # additional typing informations
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
└── README.md
You can also use any other framework/library, if you like
- Vue (created with the vue CLI)
- Vuex store
- Persisted start
- Router
- Vuex store
- Context menu
yarn install # install packages
yarn workspace main add PACKAGE # install specific package for main process
yarn workspace renderer add PACKAGE # install specific package for render process
yarn workspace renderer remove PACKAGE # remove specific package from renderer process
yarn start
yarn build
yarn build:app # Builds executable directly.
yarn build:all # Build all. Linux, Windows and Mac.
yarn build:mac # Build Mac
yarn build:linux # Build Linux
yarn build:windows # Build Windows