Project for subject Information Retrieval: Build a tool for crawling data from the internet, then build a search engine.
- The Project uses:
- Scrapy + Splash: Crawl data from websites ( and
- MySQL: Storage data after crawled
- Elasticsearch + Logstash: Build search engine
- Create Table in database:
- id: bigint
- url: varchar(255)
- title: tinytext
- time: datetime
- short_content: mediumtext
- full_content: longtext
- Crawl data (folder 'news'):
- Install enviroment:
- Install docker splash: sudo docker pull scrapinghub/splash
- Run docker splash: sudo docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash
- Install library scrapy and splash: pip3 install scrapy scrapy-splash
- Crawl from and
- Duplicate content Identifier by Jaccard Similarity with data storage in MySQL
- Config information of your database in file: /news/news/spiders/ /news/news/spiders/
- Start crawling:
- cd news
- scrapy crawl kenh14
- scrapy crawl dantri (- /news/ process data in file your.csv to storage to mysql)
- Data will storage in mysql database
- Do crawl with
- Install enviroment:
- Install Elasticsearch:
- Install Elasticsearch
- Install Logstash
- Create index in ES (elasticsearch.txt)
- Copy file logstash_mysql.conf to /usr/share/logstash/
- Push data fro Mysql to index of ES: sudo bin/logstash --path.settings /etc/logstash/ -f logstash_mysql.conf
- Test search in ES: cd /src python -i "index" -s "search_word"
- UI in /interface/index.php