Tags: pharo-project/pharo
Toggle v13.0.0-dev's commit message
Merge pull request #16519 from estebanlm/p13-use-branch-repository
P13 use branch repository
Toggle v12.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #16172 from shoshanatech/socket-release-all-2
Release waiting processes when destroying a socket (without ThreadedFFI dependency)
Toggle v12.0.0-dev's commit message
Merge pull request #13784 from estebanlm/Pharo12
merge Pharo11 changes into Pharo12
Toggle v12.0.0-1's commit message
restore development numbers
Toggle v11.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #13691 from estebanlm/fix-welcomebrowser-version
Fix welcomebrowser version
Toggle v10.0.1's commit message
Merge pull request #11532 from carolahp/ProfilerUI
Creates Graphical UI for AndreasProfiler and TimeProfiler
Toggle v11.0.0-dev's commit message
Merge pull request #11097 from pharo-project/Pharo10
Merging latest changes in P10 to P11
Toggle v10.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #11094 from demarey/move-over-color-to-theme
Specify the mouse over color in the theme rather than hardcode it.
Toggle v9.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #9589 from estebanlm/deprecate-glamour-and-gt
deprecate glamour and gt tools
Toggle v10.0.0-dev's commit message
Initial Commit of Pharo10
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