- Introduction to Nextflow
- Use of workflow systems for automation / reproducibility
- Basic syntax of Nextflow
- Transform and execute a workflow in Nextflow
14:30 - 15:00 Introduction to Nextflow
15:00 - 15:30 Parameters, Channels and Processes
15:30 - 16:00 Docker/Singularity
16:00 - 16:30 Executors
16:30 - 17:00 Channel Operations
- Find and use Nextflow tool definitions online.
- Understand how to write Nextflow scripts and definitions for command line tools.
- Understand the concepts of Nextflow
operators. - Understand how to handle multiple inputs and outputs in Nextflow.
- Understand Nextflow's configuration file (
), profiles and input parameters. - Use Docker/Singularity with Nextflow to provide software dependencies and ensure reproducibility.
- Join Nextflow tools into a workflow.
- Run Nextflow workflows on local, HPC and cloud systems.
Flow chart summarizing the resources and best practices for development, maintenance, sharing and publishing of reproducible and portable workflows.
This tutorial in an introduction to Nextflow, primarily through examples. Since the tutorial is brief, it is designed to whet your appetite -- we're only going to dip in and out of some of its features in a superficial way.
Exercises: Throughout this tutorial there will be some practical examples. Not all will be covered in class for time reasons but you can come back and do them.
Many scientific applications require:
- Multiple data files
- Multiple applications
- Perhaps different parameters
General purpose languages not well suited:
- Too low a level of abstraction
- Does not separate workflow from application
- Not reproducible
Nextflow is a Groovy-based language for expressing workflows:
- Portable -- works on most Unix-like systems
- Very easy to install (NB: requires Java 7, 8)
- Scalable
- Supports Docker/Singularity
- Supports a range of scheduling systems
Key Nextflow concepts:
- Processes: actual work being done -- usually simple (call program that does the analysis)
- Channels: for communication between processes (inputs, outputs)
- When all inputs ready, process is executed.
- Each process runs in its own directory -- files are staged.
- Supports resumption of previous partial runs.
First, lets set up a directory where we will do all our Nextflow exercises:
mkdir $HOME/nf_tut
cd $HOME/nf_tut
Then, we download the data we will be using for the exercises:
wget https://github.com/phelelani/nf-tut-2020/raw/master/files/data/tutorial.zip
unzip tutorial.zip
Tyep ls -l
and hit <ENTER>
to view the contents of your directory. Your nf_tut
directory will now contain Nextflow scripts (ending with .nf
) and a data
folder that we will use in this tutorial.
| |--11.bim .. 14.bim
| |--2016-REG-01.dat .. 2019-XTR-12.dat
| |--pop
| | |--BEB.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--CEU.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--JPT.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--YRI.[bed,bim,fam]
| |--ex1-cleandups.nf
| |--ex2-cleandups.nf
| |--ex3-groovy.nf
| |--ex4-cleandups.nf
| |--ex5-weather.nf
| |--ex6-dockersee.nf
Exercise 1: You have an input file with 6 columns (see below), where column 2 is an "index" column. Identify rows that have identical indexes (column 2) and remove them from the file. Your input file looks like this:
11 11:189256 0 189256 A G
11 11:193788 0 193788 T C
11 11:194062 0 194062 T C
11 11:194228 0 194228 A G
11 11:193788 0 193788 A C
Let's have a look at this file:
less -S data/11.bim
Solution - using bash
cut -f 2 data/11.bim | sort | uniq -d > dups
grep -f dups data/11.bim > 11.clean
This is easy to do in bash
- very simple example, not realistic for Nextflow
Solution - using Nextflow:
#!/usr/bin/env nexflow
input_ch = Channel.fromPath("data/11.bim")
process getIDs {
file input from input_ch
file "ids" into id_ch
file "11.bim" into orig_ch
"cut -f 2 $input | sort > ids"
process getDups {
file input from id_ch
file "dups" into dups_ch
uniq -d $input > dups
touch ignore
process removeDups {
file badids from dups_ch
file orig from orig_ch
file "clean.bim" into output
"grep -v -f $badids $orig > clean.bim "
output.subscribe { print "Done!" }
Using a text editor like emacs
or vim
, open the Nextflow script cleandups.nf
and have a look at it.
NB: The use of Nextflow variables -- within a double quoted string, there is string interpolation marked with the $
. If you want to access a system environment variable you need to also escape with a backslash. So in the Nextflow program, you can normally just refer to Nextflow variables unadorned with their names (e.g. $input
) and environment variables with a dollar (e.g. $HOME
) but within a double/triple-quoted string it's \$input
and \$HOME
. File names can be relative (to the current working directory where the script is being run in, not to the location of the script), or absolute. Great care needs to be taken with using absolute path names since this reduces the portability of scripts, particualarly when you are using Docker.
Now we can execute our script:
nextflow run cleandups.nf
The output we get:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
Launching `cleandups.nf` [distraught_lamarr] - revision: fb99ce6125
executor > local (3)
[b3/aa0380] process > getIDs (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
[90/cebf36] process > getDups (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
[9c/e0cb7d] process > removeDups (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
NB: Nextflow creates a work
directory, and inside of that are the working directories of each process -- in the example above you can see that the getIDs
process was launched in a directory with a prefix aa0380
, inside the directory b3
. The directory structure is looks like:
| |--11.bim .. 14.bim
| |--2016-REG-01.dat .. 2019-XTR-12.dat
| |--pop
| | |--BEB.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--CEU.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--JPT.[bed,bim,fam]
| | |--YRI.[bed,bim,fam]
| |--ex1-cleandups.nf
| |--ex2-cleandups.nf
| |--ex3-groovy.nf
| |--ex4-cleandups.nf
| |--ex5-weather.nf
| |--ex6-dockersee.nf
| |--90
| | |--cebf3649d883f88381e32b4912b560
| | | |--ids -> /Users/phele/nf_tut/work/b3/aa0380f2a1bca447259b7ffd390083/ids
| | | |--ignore
| |--9c
| | |--e0cb7d8d26682d7d4a1c44392f2bb3
| | | |--11.bim -> /Users/phele/nf_tut/data/11.bim
| | | |--clean.bim
| | | |--dups -> /Users/phele/nf_tut/work/90/cebf3649d883f88381e32b4912b560/dups
| |--b3
| | |--aa0380f2a1bca447259b7ffd390083
| | | |--11.bim -> /Users/phele/nf_tut/data/11.bim
| | | |--ids
The names of the working directory are randomly chosen so if you run it, you will get different names. Also, each time you run a process ever, it will get a unique working directory. There is no danger of name clashes Instead of naming the file you get from a channel you can also:
- specify
if your process expects data to come fromstdin
rather than a named file. Nextflow will pipe the file to standard input; - specify
if your process produces data onstdout
and you want that data to go into thechannel
Exercise 2: Change the script so that you use stdin
or stdout
in the getIDs
and getDups
processes to avoid the use of the temporary file ids
. You can see the solution here
If execution of workflow is only partial (e.g., because of error), only need to resume from process that failed:
nextflow run cleandups.nf -resume
Nextflow supports several visualisation tools:
nextflow run cleandups.nf -with-dag <file-name>.dot
nextflow run cleandups.nf -with-timeline <file-name>.html
nextflow run cleandups.nf -with-report <file-name>.html
NB: For debugging, -with-trace
option may be useful.
Can inter-mix Nextflow, Groovy and Java code
- Very powerful, flexible
- Don't need to know much (any?) Groovy but a little knowledge is a powerful thing Here we'll do some cookbook Groovy...
Closures are anonymous functions -- similar to lambdas in Python.
- Don't want the overhead of naming a function we only use once
- Typically use with higher-order functions -- functions that take other functions as arguments. Very powerful and useful
Syntax for a closure that takes one argument:
{ parm -> expression }
This is an anonymous function that takes one parameter (I've called it parm
, you can call it whatever you want) and expression
is a valid expression, probably including the parameter. Let's look at some examples:
{ a -> a*a } (3)
{ a -> a*a+7*a - 2 } (3)
for (n in 1..5) print( {it*it} (n));
{ x, y -> Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) } (3,4)
OK, I am simplifying a bit here. Closures are a bit more than functions.
Now what we have seen so far isn't so useful but the power comes when we have a function that take another function. Consider this very simplistic example. Suppose we have a program where we are manipulating lists of numbers. Sometimes we want to sum a list, sometimes we want to sum the squares of the numbers; sometimes we want to sum the cubes of the cosines of the numbers. The business of going through the list and summing is the same in all cases. What differs is what we do to the numbers in each case -- so rather than have a separate procedure for each type of summation, we just have one. But we pass this procedure a function that says what to do:
int doX(f, nums) {
for ( n in nums ) {
sum = sum+f(n)
return sum
We can call it thus:
print doX ( {a->a}, [4,5,16] );
print doX ( {a->a*a}, [4,5,16] );
print doX ( { it*it }, [4,5,16]);
print doX({a->m*a+2}, [1,2,3])
NB: You don't have to name the parameter -- if you don't name the parameter then the name it
is assumed.
Exercise 3: Look at the sample Groovy code here. Try to understand and execute on your machine.
We'll now extend this example, introducing more powerful features of Nextflow as well as some of the complication of workflow design.
Extending the example:
- Parameterise the input.
- Want output to go to convenient place.
- Workflow takes in multiple input files -- processes are executed on each in turn.
- Complication: may need to carry the base name of the input to the final output.
- Can repeat some steps for different parameters.
Parameters can be specified in a Nextflow script file:
input_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.data_dir)
They can also be passed to the Nextflow command when executing a script:
nextflow run phylo1.nf --data_dir data/polyseqs.fa
During debugging you may want to specify default values:
params.data_dir = 'data'
If you run the Nextflow program without parameters, it will use this as a default value; if you give it parameters, the default value is replaced. Of course, as a matter of good practice, default values for parameters are really designed for real parameters of the process (like gap penalties in a multiple sequence alignment) rather than data files.
Nextflow makes a distinction between parameters with a single dash (-
) and with a double dash (--
). The single dash ones are from a small, language defined subset modifying the behaviour of Nextflow -- for example we've seen --with-dag
The double-dash parameters are user-defined and completely extensible -- they are used to populate params
. They modify the behaviour of your program.
3.2. Channels
Nextflow channels support different data types:
NB: val
is the most generic -- could be a file name. But sending a file provides power since you can access Groovy's file handling capacity and, more importantly does staging of files
There are others.
NB: The fromPath
method takes a Unix
and creates a new channel which has all the files that match the glob. These files are then emitted one by one to processes that use these values. This default semantics can be changed using the channel operators that Nexflow provides, some of which are shown below. There are many, many operations you can do on channels and their contents.
bind buffer close
filter map/reduce group
join, merge mix copy
split spread fork
count min/max/sum print/view
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
params.data_dir = "data"
input_ch = Channel.fromPath("${params.data_dir}/*.bim")
process getIDs {
file input from input_ch
file "${input.baseName}.ids" into id_ch
file "$input" into orig_ch
"cut -f 2 $input | sort > ${input.baseName}.ids"
process getDups {
file input from id_ch
file "${input.baseName}.dups" into dups_ch
out = "${input.baseName}.dups"
uniq -d $input > $out
touch ignore
process removeDups {
publishDir "output", pattern: "${badids.baseName}_clean.bim", overwrite:true, mode:'copy'
file badids from dups_ch
file orig from orig_ch
file "${badids.baseName}_clean.bim" into cleaned_ch
"grep -v -f $badids $orig > ${badids.baseName}_clean.bim "
Here the getIDs
process will execute once, for each file found in the initial glob. On a machine with multiple cores, these would probably execute in parallel, and as we'll see later if you are running on the head node of a cluster, each could run as a separate job.
NB: that in this version of getIDs
we name the output file dependant on the input file. This is convenient to do because now we are taking many input files. There is no danger of there being any name clashes during execution because each parallel execution of getIDs
runs in a separate local directory. However, at the end we want to be able to distinguish which output came from which input without having to do detective work -- so we name the files conveniently. Files that get created on the way but don't need at the end we can name boringly.
nextflow run cleandups.nf
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
Launching `cleanups.nf` [small_wozniak] - revision: f8696171b0
executor > local (3)
[6c/1b5ca2] process > getIDs (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
[74/7d0dc8] process > getDups (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
[05/51ca59] process > removeDups (1) [100%] 1 of 1 âś”
Now I'm going to add a next step -- say we want to split the IDs into groups using split
but try different values of splitting.
Exercise 4: Now try adding a process to our Nextflow example and for splitting the file but using different split values (SOLUTION HERE), e.g.:
split -l 400 data.txt dataX
will produce files dataXaa
, dataXab
, dataXac
and so on...
splits = [400,500,600]
process splitIDs {
file bim from cleaned_ch
each split from splits
file ("*-$split-*") into output_ch;
"split -l $split $bim ${bim.baseName}-$split- "
Have a look at the modified Nextflow scrip here.
We've seen so far where we have a stream of file being processed independently. But in many applications there may be matched data sets. We'll now look at an example, using a popular bioinformatics tool called PLINK
. In its most common usages, PLINK
takes in three related files, typically with the same but different suffixed: .bed
, .bim
, .fam
Short version of the command:
plink --bfile /path/YRI --freq --out /tmp/YRI
Long version of the command:
plink --bed YRI.bed --bim YRI.bim --fam YRI.fam --freq --out /tmp/YRI
If you don't know what PLINK
does, don't worry. It's the Swiss Army knife for bioinformatics. The above commands are equivalent (the first is the short-hand for the second when the bed
, bim
, and fam
files have the same base). The command finds frequencies of genome variations -- the output in this example will go into a file called YRI.frq
- Pass the files on another channel(s) to be staged
- Pass the base name as value/or work it out
- Simple
- Need extra channel/some gymnastics
Lets recap -- Groovy closures. Simply, a closure is an anonymous function:
- Code wrapped in braces
{ }
- Default argument called
[1,2,3].each { print it * it }
[1,2,3].each { num -> print num * num }
Similar to lambdas in Python
and Java
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
params.dir = "data/pops/"
dir = params.dir
params.pops = ["YRI","CEU","BEB"]
.map { pop ->
[ file("$dir/${pop}.bed"), file("$dir/${pop}.bim"), file("$dir/${pop}.fam")]
.set { plink_data }
plink_data.subscribe { println "$it" }
This example takes a stream of values from params.pops
and for each value (that's what map does) it applies a closure that takes a string and produces a tuple of files. That tuple is then bound to a channel called plink_data
. NB: There are two distinct uses of the set
- As a channel operator as shown here
- In an input/output clause of a channel
[data/pops/YRI.bed, data/pops/YRI.bim, data/pops/YRI.fam]
[data/pops/CEU.bed, data/pops/CEU.bim, data/pops/CEU.fam]
[data/pops/BEB.bed, data/pops/BEB.bim, data/pops/BEB.fam]
Now let's look at more realistic exammple. To try this example on your own computer.
NB: Since you may not have plink
on your computer, our code actually fakes the output. If you do have plink
you can make the necessary changes.
process getFreq {
set file(bed), file(bim), file(fam) from plink_data
file "${bed.baseName}.frq" into result
plink --bed $bed \
--bim $bim \
--fam $fam \
--freq \
--out ${bed.baseName}"
Look at plink1B.nf
. It's a slightly different ways of doing things. On examples of this size, none of these options are much better or worse but it's useful to see different ways of doing things for later.
Use fromFilePairs
- Takes a closure used to gather
together with the samekey
x_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs( files ) { closure }
Specify the files as a glob. Closure associates each file
with a key
. fromPairs
puts all files with same key together; returns a list of pairs (key
, list
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
commands = Channel.fromFilePairs("/usr/bin/*", size:-1) { it.baseName[0] }
commands.subscribe { k = it[0];
n = it[1].size();
println "There are $n files starting with $k";
Here we use standard globbing to find all the files in the /usr/bin
directory. The closure takes the first letter of each file -- all the files with the same letter are put together. The size
parameter says how many we put togther : -1
means all.
A more complex example – default closure
.fromFilePairs ("${params.dir}/*.{bed,fam,bim}", size:3, flat : true)
.ifEmpty { error "No matching plink files" }
.set { plink_data }
plink_data.subscribe { println "$it" }
- Matches the
- The first
is taken as the matching key - For each unique match of the
we return- The thing that matches the
- The list of files that match the glob with that item
- Up to 3 matching files (the default of size is 2 -- hence the name)
- The thing that matches the
[CEU, [data/pops/CEU.bed, data/pops/CEU.bim, data/pops/CEU.fam]]
[YRI, [data/pops/YRI.bed, data/pops/YRI.bim, data/pops/YRI.fam]]
[BEB, [data/pops/BEB.bed, data/pops/BEB.bim, data/pops/BEB.fam]]
process checkData {
set pop, file(pl_files) from plink_data
file "${pl_files[0]}.frq" into result
base = pl_files[0].baseName
"plink --bfile $base --freq --out ${base}"
process checkData {
set pop, file(pl_files) from plink_data
file "${pop}.frq" into result
"plink --bfile $pop --freq --out $pop"
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
params.dir = "data/pops/"
dir = params.dir
params.pops = ["YRI","CEU","BEB"]
.fromFilePairs("${params.dir}/{YRI,BEB,CEU}.{bed,bim,fam}",size:3) {
file -> file.baseName
.filter { key, files -> key in params.pops }
.set { plink_data }
process checkData {
set pop, file(pl_files) from plink_data
file "${pop}.frq" into result
"plink --bfile $pop --freq --out $pop"
Exercise 5: Have a look at weather.nf
. In the data directory are set of data files for different years and months. First, I want you to use paste
to combine all the files for the same year and month (paste
joins files horizontal-wise). Then these new files should be concated.
Great care needs to be taken when referring to absolute paths. Consider the following script. Assumming that local execution is being done, this should work.
input = Channel.fromPath("/data/batch1/myfile.fa")
process show {
file data from input
file 'see.out'
cp $data /home/scott/answer
However, there is a big difference in the two uses of absolute paths. While it might be more appropriate or useful to pass the first path as a parameter, there is no real problem. Netflow will transparently stage the input files to the working directories as appropriate (generally using hard links). But the second hard-coded file will cause failures when we try to use Docker.
4. Nextflow + Docker & Singularity Containers
Light-weight virtualisation abstraction layer:
- Currently run on
like systems (e.g., Linux, macOS). - Windows support coming...
You create Docker/Singularity images locally, or get from repositories (): Getting Docker images from repositories:
docker pull ubuntu
docker pull quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
Getting Singularity images from repositories:
singularity pull docker://ubuntu
singularity pull docker://quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
Running Docker
docker run <some-image-name>
Running Singularity
singularity exec <some-image-name>
Docker and Singularity often run images in background (e.g. webserver), but can also run interactively:
## Running Docker interactively
sudo docker run -t -i quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
## Running Singularity interactively
singularity shell docker://quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
Nextflow supports Docker & Singularity
- Well designed script should be highly portable
- Each process gets run as a separate Docker call (e.g, under the hood, a
docker run
is called) - Can use the same or different Docker images for each process, parameterisable
Simple example (assuming all processes use the same Docker/Singularity image)
## For Docker
nextflow run plink2.nf -with-docker quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
## For Singularity
nextflow run plink.nf -with-singularity docker://quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
Now, even if you don't have plink
, your script will work because my Docker/Singularity image has plink
Nextflow Docker/Singularity support highly transparent -- but pay attention to good practice:
- For each process Docker/Singularity mounts the work directory for that process on the Docker/Singularuty image.
- Files can be staged in and out using Nextflow mechanisms.
- Other files available: directories mounted through run time options or on the image
- No other files on the host machine including the current directory
- Process executes in the Docker/Singularity environment
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
data = Channel.fromPath("data/pops/YRI.bim")
process see {
echo true
file bim from data
file count
publishDir params.publish, overwrite:true, mode:'move'
echo "Path is \$( pwd )\n "
echo "Parent directory has \$( ls .. )\n"
echo "My home directory has \$( ls /home/phele )\n"
wc -l $bim > count
The output that is produced is:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 0.21.2
Launching show_env.nf
[warm up] executor > local
[94/597f09] Submitted process > see (1)
Path is /home/scott/witsGWAS/dockerized/work/94/597f09ca6cc01c7be015052f7f072c
Parent directory has 597f09ca6cc01c7be015052f7f072c
My home directory has witsGWAS
NB: Although the script's pwd
shows /home/scott/witsGWAS/dockerized/work/94/597f09ca6cc01c7be015052f7f072c
- Only these specific directories are mounted
- Only the files in the innermost directory are available
Any absolute paths (other than those used in staging) will result in error.
A little more technical detail: In the above example, the YRI.bim file is staged into the working directory on the Docker image. To achieve this, the directories data
and data/pop
are mounted on the Docker image. But no other sub-directories of data
are available. But all the other files in data/pops
are available!.
Exercise 6: Have a look at dockersee.nf
and run it like this:
nextflow run dockersee.nf -with-docker quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink
In nextflow.config
profiles {
docker {
docker.enabled = true
process.container = 'quay.io/banshee1221/h3agwas-plink:latest'
singularity {
singularity.enable = true
process.container =
For Docker, we can run:
nextflow run gwas.nf -profile docker
For Singularity, we can run:
nextflow run gwas.nf -profile singularity
Profiles can be extended in many ways:
- Different processes can use different containers
- Can mount other host directories
- Can pass arbitrary Docker parameters
A Nextflow executor
is the mechanism which Nexflow runs the code in each of the processes:
- Default is
: process is run as a script
There are many others:
- PBS/Torque
- Amazon (AWS Batch)
- SGE (Sun Grid Engine)
Can be done through annotating each process
directive, e.g.executor 'pbs'
- resource constraints.
Or, nextflow.config
- either global or per-process.
Script runs on the head node!
- Nextflow uses the
information to decide how the job should run. - Each process can be handled differently
- Nextflow submits each process to the job scheduler on your behalf (e.g, if using
is done)
What's great about this is that Nextflow handles any dependencies -- if some jobs rely on other jobs completing first, Nextflow handles this. There are also simple directives you can use to restrict the number of jobs running at a time so this can help you if there are queue restrictions. It's possible to do this without Nextflow, but it's much more transparent.
process {
executor = 'pbs'
queue = 'batch'
scratch = true
cpus = 5
memory = '2GB'
Netflow has native support for EC2. You need an account on EC2, and an image with the appropriate support.
To launch your code:
nextflow cloud create GenomeCloud -c 5
You need to put some information in your nextflow.config
file, e.g., the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), your credentials, etc. In this example GenomeCloud
is a name I have given --- I am creating a cluster with one master and four worker nodes.
If successful, Nextflow will give you the name of the headnode of your cluster.
into into it- run
on it.
Afterwards shut down:
nextflow shutdown GenomeCloud
Nextflow tries to maximise concurrency
- processes are by default synchronised by channels
- when data arrives on all input channels, process executes
No problem if channels only ever have one value -- but when multiple values, may be an issue.
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
Channel.fromPath("data/*.dat").set { data }
process P1 {
file "${fbase}.pre" into channelA
file data into channelB
"echo dummy > ${fbase}.pre"
process P2 {
file pre from channelA
file pre into channelC
if (pre.baseName == "a")
"sleep 4"
"sleep 1"
process P3 {
echo true
file(data) from channelB
file(pre) from channelC
echo "${data} - $pre"
Solution: join/merge
: Items emmited by the channelsx
are combined into a new channel.x.join(y)
: Items emmited by the channelsx
are joined together into one channel based on existing matching key. Default: first element in each item.
ch1 = Channel.from( "a","b","c" )
ch2 = Channel.from( "a","d","e","a","c","b" )
ch1.join(ch2).subscribe { println it }
ch1 = Channel.from( ["a",1], ["b",4], ["c",5] )
ch2 = Channel.from( ["a",10], ["d",8], ["e",7], ["a",9], ["c",1], ["b",10] )
ch1.merge(ch2).subscribe { println it }
[a, 1, 10]
[b, 4, 10]
[c, 5, 1]
ch1 = Channel.from( "a","b","c" )
ch2 = Channel.from( "a","d","e","a","c","b" )
ch1.merge(ch2).subscribe { println it }
[a, a]
[b, d]
[c, e]
ch1 = Channel.from( ["a",1], ["b",4], ["c",5] )
ch2 = Channel.from( ["a",10], ["d",8], ["e",7], ["a",9], ["c",1], ["b",10] )
ch1.merge(ch2).subscribe { println it }
[a, 1, a, 10]
[b, 4, d, 8]
[c, 5, e, 7]
- If values are singletons, then the values must be the same
- If value is tuple if the, then the first element of the tuple must be the same
- Merges everything into a channel, no matching.
process P3 {
echo true
set file(pre), file(data) from channelB.join(channelC)
echo "${data} - $pre"
This will not work. ChannelA
, ChannelB
and ChannelC
all emmit single file. The join
command will not work since files have different extension (even though the file.baseName
are the same. We need to change our approach to this -- Use tuples/list and set a baseName
as an identifier for each file pair .pre
and .dat
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
Channel.fromPath("data/*.dat").set { data }
process P1 {
echo true
set val(data.baseName), file("${fbase}.pre") into channelA
set val(data.baseName), file(data) into channelB
"echo dummy > ${fbase}.pre"
process P2 {
echo true
set name, file(pre) from channelA
set name, file(pre) into channelC
if (pre.baseName = /.*TMP.*/)
"sleep 4"
"sleep 1"
process P3 {
echo true
set name, file(data), file(pre) from channelB.join(channelC)
echo "${data} - ${pre}"
Now, regardless of how long a process P2
takes to produce an output, process P3
will only produce results once both ChannelB
and ChannelC
have matching items (the first item) in them.
You often need to copy a channel
process do {
file ("x.*") into out_ch
out_ch.separate(a_ch, b_ch, c_ch)
process do {
file ("x.*") into (a_ch, b_ch, c_ch)