Convert computer vision data types in Rust
reference: jerry73204
graph LR
%% 核心节点定义
%% 转换路径矩阵
AF <-.->|FFmpeg sws_scale| MA
AF <-.->|YUV2RGB转换| IM
AF <-.->|planes_to_3darray| ND
AF <-.->|CUDA内存映射| TE
MA <-.->|Mat::from_slice| ND
MA <-.->|imencode/imdecode| IM
MA <-.->|Mat::to_gpu| TE
IM <-.->|image::buffer| ND
IM <-.->|image_to_tensor| TE
IM <-.->|save_to_avframe| AF
ND <-.->|ndarray_to_tensor| TE
ND <-.->|reshape_to_mat| MA
ND <-.->|as_image_buffer| IM
TE <-.->|to_ndarray| ND
TE <-.->|tensor_to_mat| MA
TE <-.->|render_to_avframe| AF
classDef avframe fill:#FFEBEE,stroke:#FF5252;
classDef mat fill:#FFF3E0,stroke:#FFB300;
classDef image fill:#E3F2FD,stroke:#2196F3;
classDef ndarray fill:#E8F5E9,stroke:#4CAF50;
classDef tensor fill:#F3E5F5,stroke:#9C27B0;
转换路径 | 可能异常 | 解决方案 |
AVFrame→Mat | 色彩空间不匹配 | 自动插入sws_scale转换上下文 |
Image→ndarray | 通道顺序差异(RGB vs BGR) | 提供convert_channels特性方法 |
Mat→Tensor | 内存对齐问题 | 使用aligned_alloc分配器 |
graph TD
Start{选择起点} --> A[AVFrame]
Start --> B[Mat]
Start --> C[Image]
Start --> D[ndarray]
Start --> E[Tensor]
A -->|实时流处理| F[保持AVFrame]
A -->|视觉分析| G[转Mat]
A -->|AI推理| H[转Tensor]
B -->|算法优化| I[保持Mat]
B -->|持久化存储| J[转Image]
B -->|数值计算| K[转ndarray]
C -->|编辑处理| L[保持Image]
C -->|视频合成| M[转AVFrame]
C -->|模型训练| N[转Tensor]
D -->|科学计算| O[保持ndarray]
D -->|可视化| P[转Mat]
D -->|深度学习| Q[转Tensor]
E -->|推理结果| R[保持Tensor]
E -->|结果可视化| S[转Mat]
E -->|视频编码| T[转AVFrame]
cv-convert = { git = "", branch = "main" }
: enableimage
: optional, (System Required installation: tch)opencv
: optional, (System Required installation: opencv)rsmpeg
: optional, (System Required installation: rsmpeg)full
: enabletch
: optional, enable imageimageproc
: optional, enable imageprocnalgebra
: optional, enable nalgebrandarray
: optional, enable ndarray
The crate provides FromCv
, TryFromCv
, IntoCv
, TryIntoCv
traits, which are similar to standard library's From
and Into
use cv_convert::{FromCv, IntoCv, TryFromCv, TryIntoCv};
use nalgebra as na;
use opencv as cv;
// FromCv
let cv_point = cv::core::Point2d::new(1.0, 3.0);
let na_points = na::Point2::<f64>::from_cv(&cv_point);
// IntoCv
let cv_point = cv::core::Point2d::new(1.0, 3.0);
let na_points: na::Point2<f64> = cv_point.into_cv();
// TryFromCv
let na_mat = na::DMatrix::from_vec(2, 3, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
let cv_mat = cv::core::Mat::try_from_cv(&na_mat)?;
// TryIntoCv
let na_mat = na::DMatrix::from_vec(2, 3, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
let cv_mat: cv::core::Mat = na_mat.try_into_cv()?;
To add a new type conversion, take image::DynamicImage
for example. Proceed to cv-convert/src
and implement
the code in
because it is a conversion among
opencv and image crates.
Choose FromCv
or TryFromCv
trait and add the trait implementation
on image::DynamicImage
and opencv::Mat
types. The choice of
or TryFromCv
depends on whether the conversion is fallible
or not.
impl FromCv<&image::DynamicImage> for opencv::Mat { /* omit */ }
impl FromCv<&opencv::Mat> for image::DynamicImage { /* omit */ }
// or
impl TryFromCv<&image::DynamicImage> for opencv::Mat { /* omit */ }
impl TryFromCv<&opencv::Mat> for image::DynamicImage { /* omit */ }
mod tests {
// Write a test
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