My name is Phil Haines and I am a Fullstack Software Engineer and UX Designer. After spending almost a decade in fine dining, I hung up my apron and dove into the world of tech. My philosophy for programming and design come from my passion of creating positive user expereinces, and problem solving.
👨🏻💼 🖥 I’m currently working on SideWürk and Up-Fur-Adoption.
🌱 I’m currently learning Next.js, TypeScript, and Apollo Client for React.
💡 I'm looking forward to learning Angular and Flutter.
🛠 I’m looking to collaborate on Up-Fur-Adoption
🤔 I’m looking for help with complex data structures and caching in Apollo client.
😄 Pronouns: he/him
⚡ Fun fact: I've worked at 3 different Michelin Starred restaurants 👨🏻🍳.