Roassal3 is a new agile visualization engine for Pharo 7, Pharo 8, and Pharo 9. Roassal is made to visualize in an interactive way data.
Execute the following incantation in a Playground:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Roassal3';
repository: 'github://ObjectProfile/Roassal3';
Once loaded, you can execute in a playground:
RSAnimationExamples new example06Atom open
You should an animated version of:
Tutorial 01 - Adding Simple Nodes, Edges, and Layout
Tutorial 02 - Graph Manipulation
Share your happiness by joining the #Roassal channel, in the Pharo discord server:
A list of differences and migration instruction are accessible from the Wiki
If you are a regular contributor of Roassal3, you probably wish to have a local clone of it on your local disk. You can load Roassal3 with the following code (assuming that you provide the full path of your clone):
Metacello new
baseline: 'Roassal3';
repository: 'gitlocal:///Users/alexandrebergel/Dropbox/GitRepos/Roassal3' ;