This application demonstrates how to open a simple X11 console window, and loop through a basic animation.
Gitch with calculating Y offset of text rows within the console (currently with hacky fix)
It could be a funky rotating wireframe cube intead
Beginnings of a test rig for testing parallel collision detection algorithm
To Run (within VSCode);
- Ensure project is open within the development container
- Hit F5
This application was written in C++ using VSCode and includes a devcontainer setup file, which should create a self-contained environment with all the below requirements installed;
It should be possible to build and run the code with alternative development environments, outside of VSCode.
Host Machine Requirements;
To download VSCode;
The VSCode development container plugin is installed;
Docker must also be installed;
This application, however is configured with linux based containers, and will not work correctly on Windows without modification.