- NeoVim >=0.7
- npm
- ripgrep - https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
- A nerd font
To make it work, there are some additional manual configuration that must be done
First, we need to add to the PATH environment variable the installation directory of the mason
plugin. Usually it looks like :
List :
- Ruby - Solargraph
- Lua - sumneko_lua
- Typescript/Javascript - tsserver
- Typescript/Javascript - eslint
- Rust - rust_analyzer
- Java - jdtls
- Python - jedi_language_server
- HTML - html
- CSS - jsonls
- Terraform - terraformls
- Bash - bashls
- Go - gopls
The java plugins is the one that require the most manual configuration. You need to download the eclipse.jdt.ls
Java Language Server, lombok
java library, vscode-java-debug
debugger lugin and vscode-java-test
testing plugin.
You also need a version of java >= 11 to be able to run the language server.
You need to configure the JAVA_HOME
path or update the ftplugin/java.lua
file to point to the right java version.
You also need to update or make sure the path in the ftplugin/java.lua
file point to the right directory and file version
for eclipse.jdt.ls
, lobok
, vscode-java-debug
and vscode-java-test