A Caddy HTTP Module - who Facilitates JWT Authentication
This module fulfilled http.handlers.authentication
middleware as a provider named jwt
Build this module with caddy
at Caddy's official download site. Or:
xcaddy --with github.com/ggicci/caddy-jwt
git clone https://github.com/ggicci/caddy-jwt.git
cd caddy-jwt
# Build a caddy with this module and run an example server at localhost.
make example
curl -v "http://localhost:8080?access_token=${TEST_TOKEN}"
# You should see authenticated output:
# User Authenticated with ID: 3406327963516932
# And the following command should also work:
curl -v -H"X-Api-Token: ${TEST_TOKEN}" "http://localhost:8080"
curl -v -H"Authorization: Bearer ${TEST_TOKEN}" "http://localhost:8080"
NOTE: you can decode the ${TEST_TOKEN}
above at jwt.io to get human readable payload as follows:
"exp": 1655892670,
"jti": "82294a63-9660-4c62-a8a8-5a6265efcd4e",
"uid": 3406327963516932,
"username": "ggicci",
"nsid": 3406330157137926
Sample configuration (find more under example):
api.example.com {
route * {
jwtauth {
sign_key TkZMNSowQmMjOVU2RUB0bm1DJkU3U1VONkd3SGZMbVk=
from_query access_token token
from_header X-Api-Token
from_cookies user_session
issuer_whitelist https://api.example.com
audience_whitelist https://api.example.io https://learn.example.com
user_claims aud uid user_id username login
meta_claims "IsAdmin->is_admin"
- Use
to encode your key in the configuration. - The priority of
isfrom_query > from_header > from_cookies
This module behaves like a "JWT Validator". Who
- Extract the token from cookies, header or query from the HTTP request.
- Validate the token by using the
. - If the token is invalid by any reason, auth failed with
. Otherwise, next. - Get user id by inspecting the claims defined by
. - If no valid user id (non-empty string) found, auth failed with
. Otherwise, next. - Return the user id to Caddy's authentication handler, and the context value
got set. Ifmeta_claims
defined, user metadata placeholders{http.auth.user.*}
will be populated, too.
- MUST READ: JWT Security Best Practices
- Online Debuger: http://jwt.io/