According to crawl a special website,we can,undoubtedly , get good date that is benefits for analysing the tendency of different shops.Dianping‘s website currently is the target of this project,which is programmed by nodejs、express、jada and boostrap.
- Source code installation
- Download
from the the code page. - unzip the code package and run command in the unzip directory with the permission of administrator.
- run
npm install
. - run
node bin/www
npm install
node bin/www
- install the program with docker
- get the image.
docker pull assertseal/crawlwebsite
. - run the container.
docker run -d --name crawlwebsite -p 3000:3000 assertseal/crawlwebsite
$ docker pull assertseal/crawlwebsite
$ docker run -d --name crawlwebsite -p 3000:3000 assertseal/crawlwebsite
type localhost:3000
in the chrome browser,then it works.