🇵🇱 Sprawdź status kont bankowych na podstawie API Biała Księga Ministerstwa Finansów.
Check VAT bank accounts using MF API and Google Sheets.
Using Google Sheets as an interface:
- Create new Spreadhseet in Google Suite
- As a sheet owner:
>Script editor
- Paste script content from
with provided API URL - To launch script use newly created option in Sheets top menu:
Accounts check
>Check data
. Before first run you will have to provide required accesses for the script (read and update sheet).
Using Google Sheets as a data source:
- Create new project in Google API Console
- Enable Google Drive and Sheets API for the project (Library > Selected API > Enable)
- Go to Credentials section:
- Create Credentials > Service account > Create
- Role: "Browser" > Continue
- Create key > Key type: JSON > Create
- Save file in projects root.
- In Google Sheets App: share selected sheet with user from
key in service account json file
Create .env
file based on .env.template (cp .env.template .env
) and add shared Sheet's file id (can be found in its URL) and json service account file name
# Project requires Ruby >= 2.4
$ bundle install # --path vendor/bundle
$ ruby app.rb
rspec src/white_book.spec.rb
Sheet script reserves specific columns and cells:
Scope | Description | Value type |
A6:A36 | NIPs (optional) | Text |
B6:B36 | Account numbers (required) | Text |
C6:C36 | Found state value | 0 | 1 |
D6:D36 | Valid state value | 0 | 1 |
E6:E36 | Virtual account state value | 0 | 1 |
F6:F36 | NIP | Number |
G6:G36 | Company | Text |
H6:H36 | Request ID | Text |
B1 | Request date (if empty, will set current date) | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
B2 | Confirmation file URL | Text |
- Please read Lambda ruby tutorial using AWS SAM
- Add
name if need) in.env
file. - Add S3 write permissions to your Lambda.
sh aws_lambda.sh
# Create image and tag it as white-book-vat
docker build -t white-book-vat .
# Run container and start session using bash shell
docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/app white-book-vat bash
ruby app.rb