TODO lists should be reusable.
The idea of wikitodos is very simple: ready-made TODOs & checklists. Do you want to cook Spaghetti, or go to the beach?
There must be a TODO about that.
This is my first Symfony Project. Actually, the whole point of this project is to learn & touch Symfony features, so there are a lot of improvements that could be made.
- ✅ Search TODO-s
- ✅ User Authentication
- ✅ Admin Panel
- ❌ Save TODOs to DB when user interacts with a TODO, to remember state of TODO elements
- ❌ Users should be able to add their own TODO elements
- ❌ Mobile version (duh)
Clone the repository and from project root install required packages.
composer install
Create database schema, load fixtures (sample data, admin user), install assets.
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
php app/console assets:install
You may login to Administration backend at /admin using admin/admin credentials.