See live
See locally, I used pnpm for this project
- install packages.
pnpm install
# or
npm install
# or
yarn install
edit the .env to match the .env.example
run the development server:
pnpm dev
# or
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
- loading skeleton
- make sorting work with api
- lift pagination state to url params
- make table component more generic
- dynamic metadata
- better error handling on request instead of returning null/empty arrays
Might have been overkill with nextjs, but seems like React is moving towards server components/streaming which nextjs makes way easier. If I had to go just the react way, I would have used React with vite with react-router from remix.
- React 18
- Nextjs 13 - quickly setups up everything I need for an react app that involving routing, server side/static rendering and seo
- Stitches - used for styling, probably would have used tailwindcss if css in js was not encouraged
- mapbox - show location of contributor
- @tanstack/react-table - easily create tables
- octokit - fetch GitHub rest api