Software and hardware for child weight meter (scales) with glass LCD display Based on branded Chicco weight meter model # 8312.60.001
Due original "brains" PCB became broken for some reason (operational amplifier burned-out, and scales always shows zeroes), the decision to replace it by STM32 is made. As additional "pro", scales precision has been 10x increased, comparing to original "brains" of scales.
- load sensors bridge (3 pins each).
- original 5 symbol glass LCD display.
- original plastic enclosure with pushbuttons.
- HX711 ADC
- STM32F103C8T6 as MCU and software-base LCD controller (by using RTC interrupts)
schematic of the board: schematic
- Put weight meter into the flat table (without any load).
- Press "tare" button when powering-on device (press both buttons, tare and power).
- You will see some 5-digit number, this is initial ADC value without scale.
- When You see "10.000" on display, put 10.000 Kg reference load onto weight meter.
- You will see some 5-digit number again, but a little bit higher, this is ADC value with load and without scale.
- Then You will see 4-digit number in range 35...300. This is calculated "scale" value for calibration, that number will be saved into flash.
- Done, Your weight meter is now calibrated and displays correct value in Kg.
- Turn on scales.
- Wait until it shows 00000.
- Put load into the scales and wait until triangle appears on display.
- There will be actual measured weight (in average mode), so even if kid is moving, the scales are still show precise value.
- After some time, the weight amount will blink and keeps displayed even if load is removed (memory function).
- After some time more, scales turns off automatically.
Active mode: 6 mA Power down mode: 20 uA
License: GPL