Part 1 :- (Submitted)
Program To Find 2's Complement of Binary Number. (Submitted)
Program Which Will Increment The Given Binary Number By 1. (Submitted)
Program To Perform String Operations. (Submitted)
Program To Take Strings From User And Compute Its Length. (Submitted)
Part 2 :- (Submitted)
Design a Program for creating machine that accept three consecutive one. (Submitted)
Design a Program for creating a machine that accepts the string always ending with 101. (Submitted)
Design a program for accepting decimal number divisible by 2. (Submitted)
Design a program for creating a machine which accepts string having equal no. of 1’s and 0’s. (Submitted)
Design a program for creating a machine which count number of 1’s and 0’s in a given string. (Submitted)
Design a Program PDA accepting string (0^n) (1^n) n>=1. (Submitted)
Design a Program PDA accepting string (1^n) (2^n) (3^n) n>=1. (Submitted)