** iOS 7 / 8 ONLY **
iOS 7 / 8 style side menu with parallax effect.
Wrapper module for the great RESideMenu
Since 1.2 this module supports both left and right menu views.
Use TiSideMenu as a replacement for your root window.
var contentView = Ti.UI.createWindow({
background: 'red'
var leftMenuView = Ti.UI.createWindow({
background: 'transparent'
var rightMenuView = Ti.UI.createWindow({
background: 'transparent'
var win = TiSideMenu.createSideMenu({
contentView: contentView,
leftMenuView: leftMenuView,
rightMenuView: rightMenuView,
backgroundImage: 'stars.png',
contentViewScaleValue: 0.2,
scaleContentView: true,
panGestureEnabled: false,
scaleBackgroundImageView: false,
parallaxEnabled: false,
panFromEdge: true,
Setting the content window without animation
Setting the content window with an animation
win.setContentWindow({ window: newWin, animated: true });
To use this module within Alloy, please take a look at this repository: de.marcelpociot.alloysidemenu
If the slide animation is enabled, a bug exists where an incomplete slide results in opening empty windows through a navigation / tabgroup. To resolve this issue be sure to manually hide the side Menu before opening the new window.
Enable / Disable the pan gesture
win.setPanGestureEnabled( true / false );
Enable / Disable pan from left
win.setLeftPanEnabled( true / false );
Enable / Disable pan from right
win.setRightPanEnabled( true / false );
Enable / Disable then pan from the edge
win.setPanFromEdge( true / false );
Enable / Disable Parallax effect
win.setParallaxEnabled( true / false );
Enable / Disable Background image scaling
win.setScaleBackgroundImageView( true / false );
Enable / Disable Content view scaling
win.setScaleContentView( true / false );
Set the content view scale value
win.setContentViewScaleValue( 0.0 - 1.0 );
Manually showing / hiding the menu:
Type: Blog / Image URL
Default: empty String
Background image to use for the menu.
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Scale value used for the content view when the menu is shown.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Should the content view be scaled when the menu gets displayed.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Should the pan gesture be available for showing the menu.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable / Disable pan from left.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable / Disable pan from right.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Should the pan gesture only trigger when it starts from the edge
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Should the background image view be scaled for showing the menu.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable / disable the parallax effect.
alert("Will show menu view controller");
alert("Did show menu view controller");
alert("Will hide menu view controller");
alert("Did hide menu view controller");
- Added iOS 8 support
- Removed the build-in blur APIs as they where crushing the battery
- Updated to the latest RESideMenu Version
- Added support for left and right menu views
I'm a web enthusiast located in Germany.
Follow me on twitter: @marcelpociot