A CLI tool based on Conveyal's aggregate-disser
for spreading aggregated GeoJSON feature data throughout points inside overlapping spread features. An example would be distributing precinct-level election results into points within contained residential parcels.
If you have Go installed, you can run go get github.com/pjsier/aggspread
to download the binary package and add it to your path.
There are also binaries available for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
Usage of aggspread:
-agg string
File including aggregated info or '-' to read from stdin (default "-")
-output string
Optional filename to write output or '-' to write to stdout (default "-")
-prop string
Aggregated property to spreads
-spread string
File to spread property throughout or '-' to read from stdin (default: value in 'agg')
Convert a feature collection of voting precincts with a property indicating the number of votes into points spread throughout residential parcels within each precinct.
aggspread -agg precincts.geojson -prop votes -spread parcels.geojson -output output.csv