Machine-Learning-Drawing-App Public
Machine learning project to classify hand drawn images
JavaScript UpdatedOct 9, 2024 -
rule-110 Public
Experiment implementing the Rule 110 cellular automaton in Python
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2023 -
devops-cloud-CI-CD-lab Public
Music app built in React with Cypress end-to-end testing, deployed on AWS with CircleCI performing Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
JavaScript UpdatedSep 16, 2023 -
react-calculator Public
A PDA assignment performing unit and integration testing on a calculator app built in React using Jest, Enzyme, and Cypress
JavaScript UpdatedApr 1, 2022 -
chart-hw Public
An exercise creating a React app that displays a list of the current UK top songs
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 24, 2022 -
react-film-releases-hw Public
Exercise creating a list of film releases in React
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 23, 2022 -
Exercise performing TDD with map, filter, and reduce
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 16, 2022 -
whodunnit-hw Public
Exercise predicting variable scopes in JavaScript
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 15, 2022 -
python-project-gym Public
A full-stack Flask project creating a gym membership/management system
Python UpdatedFeb 14, 2022 -
psycopg2-flipped-hw Public
Exercise performing SQL queries on a database in Python
Python UpdatedJan 31, 2022 -
flask-rock-paper-scissors-hw Public
Exercise creating a rock paper scissors game with Flask
Python UpdatedJan 30, 2022 -
optimum Public
Code for Optimum Theory written by someone else, uploaded for fun
Python UpdatedJan 28, 2022 -
startup-landing-page Public
A simple CSS experiment for a startup landing page
HTML UpdatedJan 28, 2022 -
shopping-list Public
Simple exercise on DOM events creating a shopping list
JavaScript UpdatedJan 28, 2022 -