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Just another scheme-interpreter

A minimalist Scheme interpreter written in Haskell. Built with pure functions and pattern matching.

What is this?

This is a Scheme interpreter that implements a subset of Scheme/Lisp functionality. It's written in Haskell because functional programming languages are particularly well-suited for building interpreters.


  • Hand-rolled parser built from scratch
  • Numbers (both integers and doubles)
  • Basic Scheme constructs (if, cond, define, lambda)
  • Quote support with car, cdr, and cons
  • REPL with command history and tab completion
  • Standard library with essential functions

Standard Library

The interpreter comes with a standard library (lib/prelude.scm) that implements basic functions:

; Basic list operations
- append     ; Combines two lists
- reverse    ; Reverses a list
- range      ; Creates a list of numbers

; Higher-order functions
- map        ; Applies a function to each element
- filter     ; Selects elements matching a predicate
- foldl      ; Left fold
- foldr      ; Right fold (no tail-call optimization, unfortunately)

; Utilities
- factorial  ; Because every Scheme implementation needs one

Getting Started

Running the REPL

stack run

Example Programs

Here are some examples of what you can do:

; Calculate factorial
(define (factoriel n)
    (if (eq? n 0)
        (* n (factoriel (+ n -1)))))

(factoriel 5) ; => 120

; Create a range of numbers
(define (range n)
    (define (helper i)
    (if (eq? i n)
        (cons n '())
        (cons i (helper (+ i 1)))))
  (helper 1))

(range 5) ; => (1 2 3 4 5)

; Map squares over a list
(map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (range 4))
; => (1 4 9 16)

; Filter numbers
(filter (lambda (x) (eq? (+ x 1) 1)) (range 5))
; => (1)

How It Works

The interpreter is split into three main components:

  1. Parser: A parser combinator that transforms Scheme code into an AST.

  2. Interpreter: The evaluation engine, using a State monad to track definitions and evaluate Scheme expressions.

  3. REPL: An interactive environment with tab completion and history.

Key Implementation Details

  • Built from scratch without parser libraries
  • Uses applicative functors for parsing
  • Implements lexical scoping via an environment model
  • Includes quote support for list manipulation
  • Comes with a standard library of essential functions

Known Limitations

  • No tail-call optimization (stack overflow is possible with deep recursion)
  • Limited error messages
  • Parser may be more permissive than standard Scheme
  • No type system


  • Educational value in implementing interpreters
  • Scheme's minimal syntax makes it an ideal target language
  • Haskell's strong type system and pattern matching are perfect for language implementation
  • To better understand both Scheme and interpreter design

Future Ideas

  • Proper tail-call optimization
  • Expanded standard library
  • Improved error messages
  • Macro system
  • Better documentation


Found a bug? Want to add a feature? Feel free to submit a PR.


Free to use and modify.

Implementation Details

The core of the interpreter is built around two simple but powerful abstractions:

newtype Parser a = Parser {runParser :: String -> Maybe (a,String)}
newtype Eval a = Eval {runEval :: State -> Either String (State, a)}

The Parser breaks down Scheme code token by token using parser combinators, while Eval handles the actual execution using a state monad to manage the environment. This clean separation between parsing and evaluation makes the codebase surprisingly manageable despite implementing a full programming language.


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