Tags: pkic/zlint
ZLint v3.0.0 The ZMap team is happy to share ZLint v3.0.0. Above bugfixes and new lints this major release also has a few breaking changes from v2.x.x that we want to draw to your attention. Breaking Changes: * `w_dnsname_wildcard_left_of_public_suffix` and `w_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty` have been demoted from warnings to notices and renamed accordingly (`n_dnsname_wildcard_left_of_public_suffix` and `n_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty`). * The `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` lint now only returns an error finding for certs exceeding the 398 lifetime. The warning result previously returned for exceeding the 397 day lifetime suggestion is now a separate `w_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_397_days` lint. * The `lint.AppleCTPolicy` lint source was renamed to `lint.AppleRootStorePolicy`. * The `lint.AWSLabs` and `lint.ZLint` lint sources were combined into one new lint source `lint.Community`. New Lints: * `w_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_397_days` - see breaking change notes above. Bug Fixes: * Previously `n_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty` could only flag one DNS name in a certificate and would potentially return NA for certificates with one or more names that fail to be parsed by publicsuffix-go. It now handles both cases correctly. * Removed `testdata/QcStmtEtsiQcComplWithNonEmptyStmtInfoCert19.pem` and test case. Updated Go 1.15/ZCrypto throw a parse error for this test case now that they are QcStatement aware. Misc: * Project and releases now built with Go 1.15.x * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-11-21). * Integration test failures now include error/warning/info overviews. * ZCrypto dependency bumped to latest commit. * Project CI converted from Travis CI to Github Actions.
ZLint v3.0.0-rc1 The ZMap team is happy to share ZLint v3.0.0-rc1. Above bugfixes and new lints this major release candidate also has a few breaking changes from v2.x.x that we want to draw to your attention. Breaking Changes: * `w_dnsname_wildcard_left_of_public_suffix` and `w_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty` have been demoted from warnings to notices and renamed accordingly (`n_dnsname_wildcard_left_of_public_suffix` and `n_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty`). * The `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` lint now only returns an error finding for certs exceeeding the 398 lifetime. The warning result previously returned for exceeding the 397 day lifetime suggestion is now a separate `w_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_397_days` lint. * The `lint.AppleCTPolicy` lint source was renamed to `lint.AppleRootStorePolicy`. * The `lint.AWSLabs` and `lint.ZLint` lint sources were combined into one new lint source `lint.Community`. New Lints: * `w_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_397_days` - see breaking change notes above. Bug Fixes: * Previously `n_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty` could only flag one DNS name in a certificate and would potentially return NA for certificates with one or more names that fail to be parsed by publicsuffix-go. It now handles both cases correctly. * Removed `testdata/QcStmtEtsiQcComplWithNonEmptyStmtInfoCert19.pem` and test case. Updated Go 1.15/ZCrypto throw a parse error for this test case now that they are QcStatement aware. Misc: * Project and releases now built with Go 1.15.x * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-11-21). * Integration test failures now include error/warning/info overviews. * ZCrypto dependency bumped to latest commit. * Project CI converted from Travis CI to Github Actions.
ZLint v2.2.1 The ZMap team is happy to share ZLint v2.2.1. This minor release primarily includes a fix for a security vulnerability in a dependency. We encourage anyone using ZLint on untrusted certificate inputs to upgrade. Bug Fixes: * `golang.org/x/text` dependency bumped to v0.3.3 to address CVE-2020-14040. Misc: * Better error message from `test/helpers.go`'s `ReadTestCert` helper in the case where an input certificate causes a panic during parse. * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-10-08).
ZLint v2.2.1-rc1 The ZMap team is happy to share a v2.2.1 release candidate. This minor release primarily includes a fix for a security vulnerability in a dependency. We encourage anyone using ZLint on untrusted certificates to upgrade. Bug Fixes: * `golang.org/x/text` dependency bumped to v0.3.3 to address CVE-2020-14040. Misc: * Better error message from `test/helpers.go`'s `ReadTestCert` helper in the case where an input certificate causes a panic during parse.
v2.2.0 The ZMap team is happy to share ZLint v2.2.0. This minor release primarily includes bug fixes and new lints. New Lints: * New RFC 5280 Lints * `e_cert_sig_alg_not_match_tbs_sig_alg` to verify `tbsCertificate` algorithm matches certificate's signature algorithm. * New CA/Browser Forum Lints: * `e_san_dns_name_onion_invalid` to validate `.onion` certificate subject addresses are well-formed. Updated Lints: * `e_ext_tor_service_descriptor_hash_invalid` updated for Ballot SC27 to only require the extension for EV certificates. Removed Lints: * `e_sub_ca_aia_does_not_contain_ocsp_url`, as of Ballot SC31 this lint is no longer required. Command Line Utility Updates: * `-summary` and `-longSummary` command line flags added to `zlint` utility for presenting lint results in a human-readable tabular form. Bug Fixes: * `lint_ev_valid_time_too_long` maximum validity calculation fixed and source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_ev_business_category_missing`, `e_ev_country_name_missing`, `e_ev_organization_name_missing`, and `e_ev_serial_number_missing` `e_ev_serial_number_missing` source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` fixed to not apply to CA certificates. * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` fixed off-by-one calculation of validity period. Misc: * README updates. * Updated ZCrypto dependency (Added QCStatement support). * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-09-08).
ZLint v2.2.0-rc2. The ZMap team is happy to share a second v2.2.0 release candidate. This minor release primary includes bug fixes and new lints. New Lints: * New RFC 5280 Lints * `e_cert_sig_alg_not_match_tbs_sig_alg` to verify `tbsCertificate` algorithm matches certificate's signature algorithm. * New CA/Browser Forum Lints: * `e_san_dns_name_onion_invalid` to validate `.onion` certificate subject addresses are well-formed. Updated Lints: * `e_ext_tor_service_descriptor_hash_invalid` updated for Ballot SC27 to only require the extension for EV certificates. Removed Lints: * `e_sub_ca_aia_does_not_contain_ocsp_url`, as of Ballot SC31 this lint is no longer required. Command Line Utility Updates: * `-summary` and `-longSummary` command line flags added to `zlint` utility for presenting lint results in a human-readable tabular form. Bug Fixes: * `lint_ev_valid_time_too_long` maximum validity calculation fixed and source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_ev_business_category_missing`, `e_ev_country_name_missing`, `e_ev_organization_name_missing`, and `e_ev_serial_number_missing` source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` fixed to not apply to CA certificates. * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` off by one second fix Misc: * README updatesa. * Updated ZCrypto dependency (Added QCStatement support). * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-07-29).
ZLint v2.2.0-rc1. The ZMap team is happy to share a v2.2.0 release candidate. This minor release primary includes bug fixes and new lints. New Lints: * New RFC 5280 Lints * `e_cert_sig_alg_not_match_tbs_sig_alg` to verify `tbsCertificate` algorithm matches certificate's signature algorithm. * New CA/Browser Forum Lints: * `e_san_dns_name_onion_invalid` to validate `.onion` certificate subject addresses are well-formed. Updated Lints: * `e_ext_tor_service_descriptor_hash_invalid` updated for Ballot SC27 to only require the extension for EV certificates. Removed Lints: * `e_sub_ca_aia_does_not_contain_ocsp_url`, as of Ballot SC31 this lint is no longer required. Command Line Utility Updates: * `-summary` and `-longSummary` command line flags added to `zlint` utility for presenting lint results in a human-readable tabular form. Bug Fixes: * `lint_ev_valid_time_too_long` maximum validity calculation fixed and source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_ev_business_category_missing`, `e_ev_country_name_missing`, `e_ev_organization_name_missing`, and `e_ev_serial_number_missing` source/citation/package corrected to CABF EV Guidelines. * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` fixed to not apply to CA certificates. Misc: * README updatesa. * Updated ZCrypto dependency (Added QCStatement support). * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-07-29).
v2.1.0 The ZMap team is happy to announce the v2.1.0 release. This minor release primary includes bug fixes and new lints. New Lints: * New CABF Baseline Requirements Lint * `e_ext_nc_intersects_reserved_ip` * New Mozilla PKI Policy Lints * `e_mp_rsassa-pss_in_spki` * `e_mp_rsassa-pss_parameters_encoding_in_signature_algorithm_correct`` * `e_mp_ecdsa_pub_key_encoding_correct` * `e_mp_ecdsa_signature_encoding_correct` * New Apple PKI Policy Lints * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` Bug Fixes: * The `2001:5::/32` network was removed from reserved networks list since it is no longer IANA reserved. Misc: * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-04-02). * README updates. * CI test for ensuring OpenSSL text prepend of test cert data.
ZLint v2.1.0 RC-1 The ZMap team is proud to share a v2.1.0 release candidate. This minor release primary includes bug fixes and new lints. New Lints: * New CABF Baseline Requirements Lint * `e_ext_nc_intersects_reserved_ip` * New Mozilla PKI Policy Lints * `e_mp_rsassa-pss_in_spki` * `e_mp_rsassa-pss_parameters_encoding_in_signature_algorithm_correct`` * `e_mp_ecdsa_pub_key_encoding_correct` * `e_mp_ecdsa_signature_encoding_correct` * New Apple PKI Policy Lints * `e_tls_server_cert_valid_time_longer_than_398_days` Bug Fixes: * The `2001:5::/32` network was removed from reserved networks list since it is no longer IANA reserved. Misc: * Updated TLD data (Current to 2020-04-02). * README updates. * CI test for ensuring OpenSSL text prepend of test cert data.