Just a mere backup of my aliases
Why install them and mess your things up when you can link them? Magic.sh
will link all files for you
git clone https://github.com/platipo/dotfiles ~/dots && cd ~/dots && ./Magic.sh
Also it will install minimal vim plugins in ~/.vim/bundle
If you like to add some padding around the terminal edges (like in the screenshot), just add
VteTerminal, vte-terminal {
padding: 33px;
in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
Application | Description |
bspwm | WM |
sxhkd | WM hotkey daemon |
vim | editor |
redshift | screen color temperature regulator |
rofi | window switcher and application launcher |
zathura | PDF viewer |
compton | compositor |
polybar | status bar |
ranger | console filemanager |
termite | terminal |
i3block | simple screen locker |
feh | image viewer |
arc-theme | GTK theme |
- decent polybar (credits to jaagr)
- vim & vimrc (sort of)
- implement sxhkdrc
- ranger
- decent README
noctuid's dotfiles (mouseless workflow)