This plugin allows you to advertise using the TapForTap toolkit. Both iOS and Android targets are supported.
Install the addon with basil install tapfortap
Include it in the manifest.json
file under the "addons" section for your game:
"addons": [
To specify your game's TapForTap API Key, edit the `manifest.json "android" and "ios" sections as shown below:
"android": {
"versionCode": 1,
"icons": {
"36": "resources/icons/android36.png",
"48": "resources/icons/android48.png",
"72": "resources/icons/android72.png",
"96": "resources/icons/android96.png"
"tapForTapAPIKey": "4e93fa328bd49dfe5b23e7544c304f4b"
"ios": {
"bundleID": "mmp",
"appleID": "568975017",
"version": "1.0.3",
"icons": {
"57": "resources/images/promo/icon57.png",
"72": "resources/images/promo/icon72.png",
"114": "resources/images/promo/icon114.png",
"144": "resources/images/promo/icon144.png"
"tapForTapAPIKey": "4e93fa328bd49dfe5b23e7544c304f4b"
Note that the manifest keys are case-sensitive.
A modal popup should appear on iOS saying "Alright we created your app! [Sweet]" if integration was successful. You should check the Xcode logs for your app to look for problems.