Starting and running a business is a complex operation. It requires the coorporation of many people within different disciplines. The success is mainly defined by the commitment of the individual team members and their skills.
There is a trend in people looking for purpose in their work. They want to participate in the right business to stay aligned with their values. Thereby the salary is not as important as for former generations. But in turn the feeling of exploitation rises.
AEOS want to jump in and provide an Operating System to build businesses. It's purpose is to simplify the administrative and creative tasks. It shall provide tools to find your strategy and create actionable roadmaps. It will also be build as an open platform allowing developers and business owner to build plugins for business methods like LEAN Startup or Agile.
Build in functionality will be to trace the value stream and effort delivered by individuals and store the information in a transparent and secure way. It will enable Businesses to operate as sustainable organisms and turning their employees into shareholders.
In classic organisations its often very hard to measure the value of contribution.
- Founder: initializes a business from idea to project to organization
- Follower:
- receives notifications about announcements
- Contributor:
- provides value by contributing his work
- receives notifications about hic contributions
- can invest in form of value or money into ideas, projects or organizations. The investment is tracked in form of tokens which are describing the shares.
We can define a generic performance profile for humans. The day has 24h but nobody can bring peak performance for this time range. The performance profile is a statistical analysis of your personal timetrack. Additionaly we will develop tools to test and measure peak performance by utilizing randomized challanges.
- Idea: Business Opportunity
- Project: Business evaluation and development
- Organization:
- Founding
- Operational
- Liquidation
- Insolvency
- work privately and secure on my business idea
- research and document my competitors
- create a solid strategy by following tools like Business Model Canvas
- find co founder which share my purpose
- find investors to finance the endeavour
- follow methodologies like LEAN StartUp to execute towards the MVP
- receive feedback from coworkers
- Blockchain for proof of work and ledger of value stream
- Valuestream
- Value
- Contribution
- Tokens are the distribution of ownership