888 888 d8b 888 888 888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 88888b. .d88b. .d88b. 888 888 888 88888b. .d88888 .d88b. 888 888 888 "88b d88""88b d88""88b 888 .88P 888 888 "88b d88" 888 d8P Y8b `Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 888 888 888 888888K 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 X88K 888 d88P Y88..88P Y88..88P 888 "88b 888 888 888 Y88b 888 Y8b. .d8""8b. 88888P" "Y88P" "Y88P" 888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 "Y8888 888 888 Usage: bookindex [-ghovV] [-f=<inputFilePdf>] [-p=<propertyFileName>] <bookHome> Generate html index of my library with PDF books on programming. <bookHome> Books home folder -f, --file=<inputFilePdf> PDF file to extract TOC as mindmap -g, --gui-dashboard Open GUI dashboard -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -o, --obsidian Show Obsidian books -p, --props=<propertyFileName> Name of property file. -v, --verbose Verbose output -V, --version Print version information and exit.
Folder with PDF books can follow this structure:
. └── 2023 (1) ├── 23-01 (2) │ ├── android_games_code (3) │ ├── epub (4) │ └── img (5) ├── 23-02 │ ├── epub │ ├── img │ └── java17_code ├── 23-03 │ ├── epub │ └── img └── 23-04 ├── epub ├── img └── micronaut_code
Separate folders for each year.
Separate folders for each month. Each month folder should contain XML file
described below. -
Files for each book can be stored in
is the value of appropriate attribute inbooks.xml
EPUB files can be placed here if available
Images of book covers are here, they should be named as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="Java"> (1)
name="" (2)
title="" (3)
author="" (4)
source=""> (5)
<a href="" /> (6)
<mobile fmt="epub"/> (7)
<section name="Angular"/> (8)
Book should have at least one section assigned to it. There can be many books in one section.
PDF file name
Book title
Book author(s)
Code assigned to this book, should be unique in this folder.
The book should have at least one URL assigned to it.
Can be added if mobile formats are available in
folder -
Optional additional sections can be added to the book.