- I learnt a lot of advanced CSS animations while building this static page.
- I learnt how to properly traverse the dom, and store HTML elements in variables.
- This project helped me to understand the difference between const and let
- I revised CSS Specificity while creating this page.
- I had to create a lot of named functions in this project and add logic to it
- Through this project I learnt how to modify warning messages in HTML using the properties.
- I learnt how to use Github workflow and Git Bash.
- I learnt about Vercel App, Github Pages and other free ways of deploying static web pages.
- Email - Dachel Akyerefi
- Big thanks to this user, his solution helped me a lot: [https://github.com/lookingcoolonavespa/rock-paper-scissors/commits?author=lookingcoolonavespa]