VagrantFile and provisioning for a local development environment
These files, in combination with Virtualbox and Vagrant will allow you to run a local development environment that updates in realtime and provides a good framework for a basic Kirby server running on Ubuntu.
This is not a complete setup for running Kirby in production, although the configuration could be easily extended for that.
At a minimum you'd want to:
- Enable SSL in nginx and redirect all web requests to the secure site.
- Run ufw to block all other ports.
Just copy these files into the root of your vagrant project.
If you don't commit your /site/accounts directory and you have multiple
developers and would like to provide them all with login accounts, create them
in the panel or with kirby cli and copy them to /util/accounts. They'll
get copied into place when people setup their systems with vagrant up
- Install Virtualbox
- Install Vagrant
- run
vagrant up
After some churning and blinking lights you should see "you can now load the test site"
At that point, the site should be available at
If you don't like that IP, change it in the Vagrantfile. If you would rather use a name, just make a DNS entry for local.$mycompany that points to or add an entry to your /etc/hosts.
You can use to see the details about your system.
The PHP Debugger is already configured, it should 'just work' with most IDE's.
If you have an idea for an improvement, Pull Requests are gladly accepted.