Things that are great:
- pcb nut bars are tapped. lightweight and good enough
- fully preconfigured board is wonderful as a build experience
- matte panels and extrusions look great
- wiring literally could not be simpler
Things to change about the kit:
- pre-cut 1.9 ID bowden tube between hotend and extruder
- 3mm ID bowden tube for the reverse bowden
- better screw head on self tapping screws (or at least a cheap philips driver to use them)
- toolhead pcb should have a slotted screw hole to allow backlash adjustment
- toolhead PCB should have a mount/back-plate w/ strain relief
- toolhead PCB cover hits one of the BHCS on the A drive during homing when used with included brass hex standoffs
- proper labels on the microswitches (z and fs)
- part cooling fans seem underpowered
- no way to mount USB & Ethernet panel mounted extensions
- Sensorless homing should back off 5mm
- sensorless homing should have macros to drop current during home and override standard homing procedure (i actually don't know if this is accurate or not...)
- don't ship debug configs
- remove bash history
- start your image creation from a bare image, no desktop components, no random mp4 files scattered around
- should've been a 100mm tophat
- wifi script does not survive reboots, does not edit /etc/network/interfaces
- washers included are washers, not shims
- default config makes motors whine like a child who dropped their ice cream
- cut out at the bottom of toolhead board cover would put less stress on the hotend power wires
- ferrule crimping is bad for bed connections, ferrules into wagos should be square crimps according to wago
- panels are slightly too large
- needs errata documentation for things that are custom about this kit (pinout of toolhead board and catalyst would be nice...can't see catalyst pinout when it's all mounted up)
- fans for a nevermore v6 included in premium kits?
- print start macro is anemic, add KAMP?
- cancel does not remove toolhead from print location and park somewhere safe
- needs filament sensor macros