A top-down shooter game inspired by the classic arcade game 1942, created in Unity.
- Parallax scrolling background
- Player-controlled aircraft with shooting capabilities
- Modular weapon system
- Enemy aircraft with various flight patterns
- Ground enemies with projectile attacks
- Power-ups with limited durations
- Boss battle
- Health and fuel system with UI
To use this repository, you'll need to have the following dependencies installed:
- DOTween (Free Version)
- NEW Unity Input System
- Unity Splines Package
- TextMesh Pro
DOTween is used for creating animations and tweening effects in the game, while the Unity Input System provides a more streamlined way of handling user input. Unity Splines is used for enemy flight paths.
If you find a bug or would like to contribute to the development of this repository, please feel free to submit a pull request. We're always looking for ways to improve the game and make it more accessible to developers of all skill levels.