Forked from CodersCafeTech. With some additional instructions/fixes.
Using a default Raspberry Pi OS (Bullseye Full, 64-bit) clone the "EmoBot" project into the Desktop/ directory.
Enable interfaces on the Pi with:
- sudo raspi-config
'Interface Options' > 'I2C' > Ensure it's enabled.
'Interface Options' > 'SPI' > Ensure this is enabled also.
'Advanced Options' > 'Expand the file system' > Expand the filesystem and reboot.
Install dependencies:
- pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit RPi.GPIO spidev Pillow
Download some .wav files and add them to a new directory called /home/pi/Desktop/EmoBot/sounds/ and name them:
- happy.wav
- angry.wav
- excited.wav
- sad.wav
Launch the python script that brings your robot to life:
- python3