A powerful and lightweight eCommerce platform using ReactJs, Graphql, PHP and Mysql.
- Catalog management
- Category
- Product
- Product type and attributes
- Advance pricing
- Customer group price
- Tier price
- Product custom options - Add custom option to product with extra price
- Product variants
- Coupon management
- Multi type of discount
- Fixed discount to entire order
- Percentage discount to entire order
- Fixed discount to specific products
- Percentage discount to specific products
- Buy X get Y
- Free shipping
- Complex order and customer condition
- Multi type of discount
- Order management
- Customer management
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: demo
Please check here for more detail.
namespace Polavi\Middleware;
use function Polavi\generate_url;
use Polavi\Services\Http\Request;
use Polavi\Services\Http\Response;
use Polavi\Services\Routing\Router;
class RoutingMiddleware extends MiddlewareAbstract
public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, $delegate = null)
$code = $this->getContainer()->get(Router::class)->dispatch();
if($code == 404)
else if($code == 405)
$response->setContent('Method Not Allowed')->setStatusCode(405);
else {
$response->addState("currentRoute", $request->attributes->get("_matched_route"));
$response->addState("currentRouteArgs", $request->attributes->get("_route_args"));
$response->addState("currentUrl", generate_url($request->attributes->get("_matched_route"), $request->attributes->get("_route_args")));
return $delegate;
get_js_file_url("production/catalog/category/edit/general.js", true),
"data" => $result->data['generalInfo']
get_js_file_url("production/area.js", true),
"id"=> "content_wrapper",
"className"=> "content-wrapper"
// Adding a widget to Area
get_js_file_url("production/cms/footer.js", true)
"query"=>"{generalInfo: category(id: {$request->get('id')} language:{$request->get('language', get_default_language_Id())}){name status description include_in_nav position}}"
->then(function($result) use ($response) {
/**@var \GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult $result */
if(isset($result->data['generalInfo'])) {
get_js_file_url("production/catalog/category/edit/general.js", true),
"data" => $result->data['generalInfo']]
Apache server, PHP 7.3, Mysql 5.6 and 1 free SendGrid account for transactional email Please check here for more detail.
- Symfony - Some component from Symfony like HttpFoundation, EventDispatcher
- React - All of html will be rendered by using ReactJs
- Graphql-php - A great php framework for graphql
- Promises - Promises/A+ library for PHP
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. I am looking for any feedback or suggestion to improve this project. You can:
- Submit a bug/issue or suggestion
- Use this feedback page if you have any idea or feedback about this project
- Submit a PR
If you are facing any problem or just want to discuss about this project, I invite you to join my Discord channel here