The repository emacs-config
is my attempt to impose some order on my
sprawling .emacs file. In the course of working with emacs, I noticed
several complementary problems:
- Versioning
- Small changes to the emacs ecology can sometimes be difficult (for me) to predict, and their consequences difficult to mend.
- Synching
- I work on four or five different machines, and the four or five separate .emacses have begun to drift appreciably.
- Embarrassing code creep
- My approach to the .emacs file is essentially cargo-cultish. I can probably count on one hand the number of times that I’ve solved problems by sitting down and composing elisp. Instead, I typically find 5 lines of someone else’s .emacs that does the job, paste them in, and hope that the resulting frankensource does what I want. It is at least plausible that exposing my shameful init files to the world might encourage me to clean them up.
(Adapted from
cd ~ git clone emacs-config mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d ( cd ~/.emacs.d && ln -s emacs-config/init.el . )