- updating
- src: ASIC Verilog version
- Basys3: Verilog version targeted Basys3 FPGA board
- Verilator_sim: Verilog simulation version using Verilator and SDL
- test_software: PC app used to sending data to the GPU
This project has used/modified some modules form the opensource community.
- Dr. Pong P. Chu, Great book on learning Verilog "FPGA Prototyping By Verilog Examples"
- for the UART modules, and the adapted code by David J. Marion (FPGADude). https://github.com/FPGADude/Digital-Design
- Will Green, Projectf.io great tutorial.
- for the divider module. https://github.com/projf/projf-explore
- Dr. Dan Gisselquist, of Zip CPU. many interesting blog post on HDL.
- for the multiplication module. https://github.com/ZipCPU/fwmpy
- Uri Shaked
- for the trick on image ROM and python image2ROM conversion utilites, https://github.com/TinyTapeout/tt07-dvd-screensaver
I have learned a lot from your works and many super helpful people on the TinyTapout discord. Thanks you