- Poland
- http://www.linkedin.com/pub/artem-ponomarenko/22/41a/850
Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
Because PHP processes deserves to die with dignity
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
ponomarenkotema / zf2
Forked from zendframework/zendframeworkOfficial Zend Framework 2.0 git repository
Authorize users in your application with multiple OAuth 2.0 providers.
ponomarenkotema / Hacker-Typer
Forked from duiker101/Hacker-TyperHacker Typer is a fun joke for every person who wants to look like a cool hacker!
ponomarenkotema / casperjs
Forked from casperjs/casperjsNavigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS
ponomarenkotema / phantomjs
Forked from ariya/phantomjsHeadless WebKit with JavaScript API
NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED. USE https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-client INSTEAD
CasperJS is no longer actively maintained. Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
Hacker Typer is a fun joke for every person who wants to look like a cool hacker!