usually we need to provide documentation for the apis that we developed so other developers and client can understand better what each api does. swagger is a good tool to document springboot apis.
- maven configuration
- we need to set up configuration for swagger
public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket api(){
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
private ApiInfo metaData(){
Contact contact = new Contact("pooya-fils", "","" +
return new ApiInfo(
"swagger features",
" example of swaager features with spring-boot",
"Terms of Service",
"Apache License Version 2.0",
new ArrayList<>());
method has a role to define a general information about api doument
- in the controller, we need to have
to have a short description for the class that apis have been developed. by@ApiOperation(value = "info...")
we can explain what each api does. - we can also have
@ApiModelProperty(value = "info about attribute",required = true)
in our model class to explain with more details what each attribute does or meaning. - last step you need to run the application and enter to
to see all the documentation your provide by swagger.