A GUI interface using jbaiter's pyomxplayer wrapper to control omxplayer
If you want the simple version of tboplayer please visit https://github.com/KenT2/tboplayer
Instructions for installation on the official Raspbian image
Ensure you have the latest version of omxplayer by download and install the lastest build here http://omxplayer.sconde.net/
This is specified here http://www.noah.org/wiki/pexpect#Download_and_Installation and copied below:
From a terminal window open in your home directory type:
wget http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/pexpect-2.3.tar.gz
tar xzf pexpect-2.3.tar.gz
cd pexpect-2.3
sudo python ./setup.py install
This is specified here https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html and copied below:
From a terminal window open in your home directory type:
sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
This is specified here http://docs.livestreamer.io/install.html and copied below:
From a terminal window open in your home directory type:
sudo apt-get install livestreamer
From a terminal window open in your home directory type:
wget https://github.com/popiazaza/tboplayer/tarball/extreme -O - | tar xz
There should now be a directory 'popiazaza-tboplayer-xxxx' in your home directory. Rename the directory to tboplayer
Open the tboplayer directory and from a terminal opened in THIS directory:
sudo python tboplayer.py
If you want larger player, you can type one of these instead:
sudo python tboplayer1024x768.py
sudo python tboplayer1366x768.py
sudo python tboplayer1920x1080.py
You can request me for more screen resolution, or you can make one for yourself by edit few python code. Sudo is not require to use tboplayer but omxplayer might use it.
ADD - duplicates the Track>Add menu item
ADD URL - duplicates the Track>Add URL menu item
EDIT - duplicates the Track>Edit menu item
OPEN/SAVE/CLEAR LIST - duplicates the Playlist>Open,Save,Clear menu item
PLAY/PAUSE - Play the selected track or pause if playing
STOP - Stop playing, operational only during playing
PREVIOUS - Play previous track, operational only after played some track
NEXT - Play next track, up to mode that you set
VOL +- - Volume control, operational only during playing
Track - add edit or remove a track from the current playlist
Add Youtube URL - ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABC12345, please mind that the regex goes to youtube-dl directly
Add Livestreamer URL - ex. twitch.tv/esl_csgo, please mind that the regex goes to livestreamer directly
Playlist - save the current playlist or open a saved one
OMX - display the track information for the last played track (needs to be enabled in options)
Options -
Audio Output - play sound to hdmi or local output, auto does not send an audio option to omxplayer.
Mode - play the Single selected track, Repeat the single track, rotate around the Playlist starting from the selected track, randomly play a track from the Playlist.
Initial directory for tracks - where Add Track starts looking.
Initial directory for playlists - where Open Playlist starts looking
Enable subtitles
OMX player options - add your own options, read more here https://github.com/popcornmix/omxplayer/blob/master/README.md (no validation so be careful)
Debug - prints some debug text to the command line
Generate Track Information - parses the output of omxplayer, disabled by default as it may cause problems with some tracks.
Livestreamer Quality - select the quality of livestreamer's stream. Please mind that not all stream have every quality, Add Livestreamer URL will use best quality if you set unaviable quality.
A track is selected using a single click of the mouse or up-down arrow key, playing is started by pressing the Play/Pause button, the . key or the Return key.
Remove the selected track can be done by pressing the Delete key.
During playing of a track a slightly modified set of omxplayer commands can be used from the keyboard but there must be FOCUS on TBOPlayer. A list of commands is provided in the help menu. Note: some of the commands are not implemented by omxplayer.
If you have problems playing a track try it from the command line with omxplayer -ohdmi file or omxplayer -olocal file