Copyright © 2014 - Rise Vision Incorporated.
Use of this software is governed by the GPLv3 license (available in the LICENSE file).
Common SVG icons to be shared across Rise Vision apps, widgets and components.
- Gulp
- Bower
Install node dependencies
$ npm install
Install front-end dependencies
$ bower install
Run $ gulp
to see a list of available tasks.
To build run $ gulp build
. This will generate a dist
folder with a locales
folder, containing a combined and minified json file for each locale, named translation_{lang}.json.
The JSON files in locales_json
will also be regenerated based on the existing PO files.
Install the common-svg using bower $ bower install git:// --save
The dist
folder contains the minified (svg.min.js) and un-minified (svg.js) versions of the directive.
In case you are using the provided svg Angularjs directive, you will need to include the following script reference in your main HTML page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/rv-common-svg/dist/svg.js"></script>
Your Angularjs module will need to have a reference to risevision.common.svg:
angular.module("my-module", ["risevision.common.svg"]);
- Angularjs
- Angular translate
- Angular translate loader static files
If you encounter problems or find defects we really want to hear about them. If you could take the time to add them as issues to this Repository it would be most appreciated. When reporting issues please use the following format where applicable:
Reproduction Steps
- did this
- then that
- followed by this (screenshots / video captures always help)
Expected Results
What you expected to happen.
Actual Results
What actually happened. (screenshots / video captures always help)
All contributions are greatly appreciated and welcome! If you would first like to sound out your contribution ideas please post your thoughts to our community, otherwise submit a pull request and we will do our best to incorporate it
- we need this
- and we need that
- we could really use this
If you have any questions or problems please don't hesitate to join our lively and responsive community at
If you are looking for user documentation on Rise Vision please see
If you would like more information on developing applications for Rise Vision please visit