This Tapestry module provides integration of JAXWS to Tapestry web applications.
- Using Tapestry services as web services
- JAX-WS API 2.2
- SOAPLoggingHandler for easy logging of requests/responses
Add the Maven dependency to your project (find the current version on Maven Central):
You can easily add a contribution to the MetroHttpServletRequestFilter:
public static void contributeMetroHttpServletRequestFilter(OrderedConfiguration<Webservice> configuration,
TestWebservice testWebservice)
configuration.add("testws", new Webservice(TestWebservice.class, testWebservice, "TestWebservice", "/testws",
new SOAPLoggingHandler("testws")));
The Webservice constructor takes the following parameters:
- the web service class (containing the JAX-WS annotations)
- the web service instance (or Tapestry service, since this will be a proxy)
- the name used in
- the URL pattern like "/webservice" or "/ws/myws"
- and a list of handlers to be added
This project is built with Maven - to generate the jar run: mvn package