This snippet of code is for a question in C#, with a live timer running at the same time.
First, we create some static variables
static int CountDown = 60;
static List<char> AllCharacters = new();
static bool HasAnsweredPrompt = false;
static ConsoleKeyInfo CurrentCharacter;
- The
variable stores how long the timer has left. To start, it is set to 60 seconds. - The
variable will store what the user types. - The
will become true when the user types ENTER - The
stores the current character that the user has typed.
Next is our Main method
System.Timers.Timer timer = new (1000);
- This code may look scary, but it is just creating a new
, which will update every second. - The 1000 stands for 1000 milliseconds
timer.Elapsed += UpdateTimer;
timer.Enabled = true;
- This piece of code tells the
that every second, it should call theUpdateTimer
method. - Next is just starts the timer!
Console.WriteLine("What is Heisenberg's real name?");
- This will be your question, and it could be anything you want.
while(!HasAnsweredPrompt) {
- This
loop will keep repeating until the users pressed enter.
These next pieces of code are inside the while
CurrentCharacter = Console.ReadKey(true);
- This reads in one char from the user, and stores it in the
variable - Note that the
means that the ReadKey will not output to the console.
if(CurrentCharacter.Key == Console.Enter) {
HasAnsweredPrompt = true;
- This checks if the key that the user entered is ENTER
- If it is, then it sets
- It then breaks out of the loop
Console.SetCursorPos(0, 2);
- This sets the position of the cursor to the second line
- It then adds the
to the list of them.
for(int i = 0; i < AllCharacters.Count; i++) {
- Here, we use a
loop to print out the characters in order, creating a string. - Because the chars are in order, it recreated what the user entered.
The for loop ends here
static void UpdateTimer(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
if(HasAnsweredPrompt) return;
if(CountDown-- <= 0) return;
Console.SetCursorPos(0, 1);
Console.WriteLine(CountDown + " Seconds Left!");
- Here we check if the user has finished typing ( by pressing enter )
- If they haven't, then we continue on
- We also check if the timer has finished
- We set the cursor's position to the first line
- We print out how many seconds are left