Post MailerQ results to HTTP endpoint.
The "results" queue is used by MailerQ to publish all the results: both the successful results as well as the failures. The "success" and "failures" queues are used for just the successes and just the failures. These queues receive a subset of the messages published to the "results" queue. The "retry" queue is used for transient results for deliveries that have not yet failed or succeeded, and that are going to be retried.
Configuration to receive success, failed and retries in the "results" queue:
rabbitmq-results: results
rabbitmq-retry: results
See also RabbitMQ configuration.
Download mqresults for Linux using the browser from
Copy mqresults to /usr/local/sbin on the server. Remove any extension and make it executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mqresults
Use -help to show all command line parameters:
mqresults -help
Set the -rabbitmq-address parameter to the same URI as configured in the MailerQ configuration. The -endpoint-url and -authorization parameters are provided by Postmastery.
Test connection to RabbitMQ:
mqresults -rabbitmq-address="amqp://guest:guest@localhost" -endpoint-url="https://hostname/your/endpoint" -authorization="your_access_key"
Wait until "Posted ... events ..." or "No messages yet" is logged. Press Ctrl+C to quit the application.
Create an upstart script as /etc/init/mqresults.conf:
description "Upstart configuration for mqresults"
start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on shutdown
exec /usr/local/sbin/mqresults -rabbitmq-address="amqp://guest:guest@localhost" -endpoint-url="https://hostname/path/to/endpoint" -authorization="your_access_key"
Reload Upstart configurations:
initctl reload-configuration
Start mqresults as daemon:
initctl start mqresults
Create systemd configuration as /lib/systemd/system/mqresults.service:
Description=Systemd configuration for mqresults
ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/mqresults -rabbitmq-address="amqp://guest:guest@localhost" -endpoint-url="https://hostname/path/to/endpoint" -authorization="your_access_key"
Start mqresults:
systemctl start mqresults
View mqresults logging:
sudo journalctl -u mqresults