Ruby Gem for Postmen API.
This extension helps developers to integrate with Postmen easily.
Add the following line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'postmen', '~> 1.0'
Run bundler
bundle install
Postmen.configure do |config|
config.region = 'sandbox' # set 'sandbox' or 'production. Required
config.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY' # Required
config.endpoint = '' # Optionally set custom endpoint url.
require 'postmen'
# Setup your postmen account (, obtain an API key.
# Configure Postmen, see Configuration section
### Fetch all labels:
Postmen::Label.all # Returns an instance of Postmen::LabelCollection
# optionally you can pass additional params to the query:
Postmen::Label.all(shipper_account_id: '1111')
Postmen::Label.all(status: 'created')
# For more options, please see the documentation:
### Fetch single label
Postmen::Label.find('1111') # Returns an instance of Postmen::Label
Released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the complete wording.