This homework will help you learn how to write Java classes according to the specification.
The objectives of this week are following:
- Programming abstraction (i.e., the Student and Course classes).
- Overloading constructor.
- Identify public and private interfaces.
- Simple Data encapsulation and data validation.
- Simple string matching using regular expression.
- Overriding the toString() method.
To complete the homework you need to meet following requirements:
- Write the Student and Course Java classes according the specifications.
- Write a readable, sensible, usable, beautiful code.
- Pass all the unit tests.
##Student Class Attributes:
- Name : name of a student, CANNOT be empty (""), default value is "John Doe"
- Student ID : student id number, default value is "560610000", MUST be in the pattern of "5X061PNNN" where ...
- X is a number in [6-9]
- P is a number in [0-2]
- N is a number in [0-9]
- Year of birth : birth year of a student, Must be larger than 1989, default value is "1990", will be used to calculate student's age later
- Status : status of a student, can be "true" for active or "false" for inactive
- Default constructor : takes NO argument, initializes all attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor2 : takes Name and Student ID as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor3 : takes Name, Student ID and Year of birth as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor4 : takes Name, Student ID, Year of birth and status as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Set Methods : for modifying value of each property (4 methods)
- Set methods for Name, Student ID and Year of birth attributes MUST satisfy the conditions specified above.
- if the modified (new) value does not satisfy with the above conditions, use the CURRENT value.
- Get Methods : for reading value of each property (4 methods)
- toString() method : for printing the student object's state which returns a string in the following pattern:
"Sanguan Sornjai (590611702) was born in 1999 is an INACTIVE student."
##Course Class Attributes:
- Course name : name of the course, CANNOT be empty (""), default value is "TBA"
- Course ID : course id number, default value is "000000", MUST be in the pattern of "NNNNNN" where ...
- N is a number in [0-9]
- Lecturer : name of lecturer(s), CANNOT be empty (""), default value is "TBA"
- Maximum #Student : maximum number of students, CANNOT be less than 10, default value is 30
- Current #Student : current number of students, MUST be in the range of [0-MAX], default value is 0
- Default constructor : takes NO argument, initializes all attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor2 : takes Course name and Course ID as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor3 : takes Course name, Course ID and Lecturer as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Constructor4 : takes Course name, Course ID, Lecturer and Max #Student as arguments, initializes the other attributes to their DEFAULT value.
- Set Methods : for modifying value of each property (5 methods)
- Set methods for all attributes MUST satisfy the conditions specified above.
- if the modified (new) value does not satisfy with the above conditions, use the CURRENT value.
- Get Methods : for reading value of each property (5 methods)
- toString() method : for printing the class object's state which returns a string in the following pattern:
"CPE200-OOP (261200), Teacher: Pruet Boonma, has ONE student, [maximum: 60]"
###Note: You can match a string to a specified pattern using regular expression. Find more detail on the topic here: