This homework will help you learn how to solve problem with multiple Java classes.
The objectives of this week are following:
- Programming abstraction of simple enrollment system.
- Learn more about class composition relationship.
- Reusing PList and PNode classes with other types of data.
- Using constructor to initialized class data type.
- Using "this" keyword as parameter.
##PNode Class
- Modify the PNode class from your previous work to store "Object" data instead of "char".
##PList Class
- Modify the PList class from your previous work to be able to handle "Object" data instead of "char".
- Make sure all the methods work correctly with "Object".
- Rename the method "search(char i)" to "found(Object data)" which search the list for the specified data
- Return True if the data is found in the list, otherwise returns False.
- Add the "remove(Object data)" which removes the first node containing the "data" from the list.
- Returns True if data is removed successfully, otherwise returns False.
- Add the "elementAt(int index)" which returns an "Object" data stored at location "index".
- "index" value of a list starts from 0 to (size-1)
- Returns "null" if "i" is invalid.
##Student Class From your previous work:
- Add a list of courses that a student has enrolled successfully. Implement using "PList".
- Modify constructors so that they can initialized the "courses" attribute properly.
- Add the "addCourse(Course c)" method to add a course that a student wants to enroll.
- Add the "dropCourse(Course c)" method to drop a course that a student wants to drop.
- Modify the "toString()" method : for printing the student object's state:
- Also printing "course id" and "course name" of all courses that a student has enrolled.
##Course Class From your previous work:
- Modify the default maximum number of students to 3 (instead of 10).
- Add a list of students that has already enrolled in this course. Implement using "Plist".
- Modify constructors so that they can initialized the "students" attribute properly.
- Add the "enrollStudent(Student s)" method to add a student to a course.
- Need to check if the course is FULL or not?
- Need to check if the student is ALREADY ENROLLED to the course or not?
- Return TRUE, if the student is enrolled successfully.
- Otherwise, print error message, and return FALSE.
- Add the "removeStudent(Student s)" method to remove a student from a course.
- Need to check if the course has NO STUDENT or not?
- Need to check if the student is ALREADY ENROLLED to the course or not?
- Return TRUE, if the student is removed successfully.
- Otherwise, print error message, and return FALSE.
- Modify the "toString()" method : for printing the course object's state:
- Also printing "student id" and "student name" of all students who are studying this course.
To complete the homework you need to meet following requirements:
- Pass all test cases:,,
- Output from the "" program should be the same as or very similar to the output stored in the "TestEnrollment-output.txt".
- Draw a class diagram showing the relationship among the classes: PNode, PList, Student, and Course