Tags: potokk/mail
Mail 2.7.1 Compatibility: * Restore LF=>CRLF conversions for properly encoded non-binary emails. (rubys) * Gracefully parse certain invalid Content-Type headers. (rafbm) * Support `x-uue` transfer encoding as uuencoding. (jkraemer) Features: * Expose Mail::Field#unparsed_value to read the raw field value, before parsing. (Tensho) Performance: * Speed up message encoding, especially with large attachments. (dalibor) Bugs: * Fix transfer encoding when message encoding is blank. (jakubonty, saks) * Fix 7bit/base64 content transfer encoding mismatch. (ahorek) * Fix UTF-8 attachment filename quoting. (ahorek) * Fix `delete_all` using a readonly IMAP connection. (kimromi)
Mail 2.7.1.rc1 Compatibility: * Restore LF=>CRLF conversions for properly encoded non-binary emails. (rubys) * Gracefully parse certain invalid Content-Type headers. (rafbm) Features: * Expose Mail::Field#unparsed_value to read the raw field value, before parsing. (Tensho) Performance: * Speed up message encoding, especially with large attachments. (dalibor) Bugs: * Fix transfer encoding when message encoding is blank. (jakubonty, saks) * Fix UTF-8 attachment filename quoting. (ahorek)
Mail 2.7.0 Features: * mikel#647 – IMAP: specify IMAP server search charset with Mail.find(search_charset: 'UTF-8'). (yalab) * mikel#664 - RSpec: with_html and with_text matchers. (zakkie) * mikel#723 – IMAP: support `enable_starttls: true` for TLS upgrade on non-IMAPS/SSL servers. (doits) * mikel#804 - Configurable SMTP open_timeout and read_timeout. (ankane) * mikel#853 - `Mail::Message#set_sort_order` overrides the default message part sort order. (rafbm) * mikel#856 - Added :logger delivery method. (zacholauson) * mikel#650 - UTF-7 charset support. (johngrimes) * mikel#900 - Support non-instance_eval builder API. Yield self to Mail.new if the provided block takes any arguments. (taavo) * mikel#1065 - Require STARTTLS using :enable_starttls. (bk2204) * mikel#1002 - Transcoding replaces invalid chars with "�" instead of discarding them. (kjg) * mikel#1094 - Core extensions removal: Drop `String#at`, `from`, `last` and `is_utf8?` since they are no longer used by Mail internals. (metcalf) * mikel#1095 - Core extensions removal: Drop `String#mb_chars`, `not_ascii_only?`, `constantize`, `first`, `to` to avoid monkey patching the standard library. (metcalf) * mikel#1111 - Mail::Field.parse API which deprecates calling Mail::Field.new with unparsed header fields. (jeremy) * mikel#1117 - Configurable POP3 read_timeout. (hspazio) Performance: * mikel#1059 - Switch from mime-types to mini_mime for a much smaller memory footprint. (SamSaffron) * mikel#1119 - Speed up large attachment encoding by memoizing slow ASCII-only checks. (dalibor) Compatibility: * mikel#464 - Improve attachment filename detection by preferring Content-Disposition filename. (lawrencepit) * mikel#535 - IMAP: fetch messages WITH IMAP FLAGS by passing a block with four args. (lawrencepit) * mikel#558 - Parser: cope with unknown charsets in header fields by falling back to ASCII. (boesemar) * mikel#655 - Sort attachments to the end of the parts list to work around email clients that may mistake a text attachment for the message body. (npickens) * mikel#683 - SMTP: Work around Net::SMTP dot-stuffing bug with unterminated newlines on Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. (yyyc514) * mikel#766 - No longer strip 'Subject: ' from legit subject lines. (grosser) * mikel#982 – Faithfully preserve unfolded whitespace rather than collapsing to a single space. (jeremy) * mikel#1103 – Support parsing UTF-8 headers. Implements RFC 6532. (jeremy) * mikel#1106 – Limit message/rfc822 parts' transfer encoding per RFC 2046. (ahorek) * mikel#1112 – Support Windows-1258 charset by parsing it as Windows-1252 in Ruby. (jeremy) * mikel#1114 – Setting `mail.body = …` on a multipart message now adds a new text part instead of adding a raw MIME part. (jeremy) * mikel#1159 – Parse emails with \n newlines so long as they have no binary content. (jeremy) Bugs: * mikel#539 - Fix that whitespace-only continued headers would be incorrectly parsed as the break between headers and body. (ConradIrwin) * mikel#684 - Fix recursively fetching attachments from an embedded message/rfc822 part whose Content-Type header has additional parameters. (vongruenigen) * mikel#689 - Fix Exim delivery method broken by mikel#477 in 2.5.4. (jethrogb) * mikel#792 - Allow blank filenames in Content-Disposition field. (robinroestenburg) * mikel#876 - Strip valid RFC-1342 separator characters between non-matching encoded-words (Caleb W. Corliss) * mikel#895 - Fix that Mail::Message#add_file was adding a stray filename header. (kirikak2) * mikel#923 – Fix decoding nested quotes around non-US-ASCII addresses. (averell23) * mikel#978 - Fix for invalid chars being left in a string for invalid b_value from encoding. (kjg) * mikel#996 - Fix that multipart/mixed emails with a delivery-status part could be interpreted as bounces. (kjg) * mikel#998 - Fix header parameter parsing (such as attachment names) for values encoded with a blank charset or language code. (kjg) * mikel#1000 - Fix header parameter parsing (such as attachment names) to transcode to UTF-8 (kjg) * mikel#1020 - Don't set SMTP verify mode to nil when config was not provided. (jhass) * mikel#1032 - Fix that comparing messages changed their raw Message-ID to their parsed message_id. (bobjflong) * mikel#1074 - Fix that the first address in a list is dropped when a subsequent address has non-US-ASCII characters. (domininik) * mikel#1107 - Fix Address#display_name and other formatting flip-flopping between encoded and decoded forms depending on whether #encoded or decoded was called last. (jeremy) * mikel#1110 - Fix that Mail::Multibyte::Chars#initialize mutated its argument by calling force_encoding on it. (jeremy) * mikel#1113 - Eliminate attachment corruption caused by CRLF conversion. (jeremy) * mikel#1131 - Fix that Message#without_attachments! didn't parse the remaining parts. (jeremy) * mikel#1019 - Fix b value encoder incorrectly splitting multibyte characters. (Kenneth-KT) * mikel#1122 – Fix that tilde (~) shouldn't be escaped for Exim delivery. (Benabik) * mikel#1157 - Fix base64 attachment transfer encoding being overridden by quoted-printable. (dalibor)
Mail 2.7.0.rc3 Compatibility: * mikel#1160 – Parse fixture emails with \n line endings. (jeremy) Bugs: * mikel#1122 – Fix that tilde (~) shouldn't be escaped for Exim delivery. (Benabik)
Mail 2.7.0.rc2 Features: * mikel#647 – IMAP: specify IMAP server search charset with Mail.find(search_charset: 'UTF-8'). (yalab) * mikel#664 - RSpec: with_html and with_text matchers. (zakkie) * mikel#723 – IMAP: support `enable_starttls: true` for TLS upgrade on non-IMAPS/SSL servers. (doits) * mikel#856 - Added :logger delivery method. (zacholauson) * mikel#900 - Support non-instance_eval builder API. Yield self to Mail.new if the provided block takes any arguments. (taavo) * mikel#1111 - Mail::Field.parse API which deprecates calling Mail::Field.new with unparsed header fields. (jeremy) * mikel#1117 - Configurable POP3 read_timeout. (hspazio) Performance: * mikel#1119 - Speed up large attachment encoding by memoizing slow ASCII-only checks. (dalibor) Compatibility: * mikel#535 - IMAP: fetch messages WITH IMAP FLAGS by passing a block with four args. (lawrencepit) * mikel#558 - Parser: cope with unknown charsets in header fields by falling back to ASCII. (boesemar) * mikel#683 - SMTP: Work around Net::SMTP dot-stuffing bug with unterminated newlines on Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. (yyyc514) * mikel#766 - No longer strip 'Subject: ' from legit subject lines. (grosser) * mikel#1103 – Support parsing UTF-8 headers. Implements RFC 6532. (jeremy) * mikel#1106 – Limit message/rfc822 parts' transfer encoding per RFC 2046. (ahorek) * mikel#1112 – Support Windows-1258 charset by parsing it as Windows-1252 in Ruby. (jeremy) * mikel#1114 – Setting `mail.body = …` on a multipart message now adds a new text part instead of adding a raw MIME part. (jeremy) * mikel#1159 – Parse emails with \n newlines so long as they have no binary content. (jeremy) Bugs: * mikel#684 - Fix recursively fetching attachments from an embedded message/rfc822 part whose Content-Type header has additional parameters. (vongruenigen) * mikel#689 - Fix Exim delivery method broken by mikel#477 in 2.5.4. (jethrogb) * mikel#792 - Allow blank filenames in Content-Disposition field. (robinroestenburg) * mikel#876 - Fix that Mail::Message#add_file was adding a stray filename header (kirikak2) * mikel#923 – Fix decoding nested quotes around non-US-ASCII addresses. (averell23) * mikel#1107 - Fix Address#display_name and other formatting flip-flopping between encoded and decoded forms depending on whether #encoded or decoded was called last. (jeremy) * mikel#1110 - Fix that Mail::Multibyte::Chars#initialize mutated its argument by calling force_encoding on it. (jeremy) * mikel#1113 - Eliminate attachment corruption caused by CRLF conversion. (jeremy) * mikel#1131 - Fix that Message#without_attachments! didn't parse the remaining parts. (jeremy) * mikel#1019 - Fix b value encoder incorrectly splitting multibyte characters. (Kenneth-KT) * mikel#1157 - Fix base64 attachment transfer encoding being overridden by quoted-printable. (dalibor)
Mail 2.7.0.rc1 Features: * mikel#804 - Configurable SMTP open_timeout and read_timeout. (ankane) * mikel#853 - `Mail::Message#set_sort_order` overrides the default message part sort order. (rafbm) * mikel#650 - UTF-7 charset support. (johngrimes) * mikel#1065 - Require STARTTLS using :enable_starttls. (bk2204) * mikel#1002 - Transcoding replaces invalid chars with "�" instead of discarding them. (kjg) * mikel#1094 - Core extensions removal: Drop `String#at`, `from`, `last` and `is_utf8?` since they are no longer used by Mail internals. (metcalf) * mikel#1095 - Core extensions removal: Drop `String#mb_chars`, `not_ascii_only?`, `constantize`, `first`, `to` to avoid monkey patching the standard library. (metcalf) Performance: * mikel#1059 - Switch from mime-types to mini_mime for a much smaller memory footprint. (SamSaffron) Compatibility: * mikel#464 - Improve attachment filename detection by preferring Content-Disposition filename. (lawrencepit) * mikel#655 - Sort attachments to the end of the parts list to work around email clients that may mistake a text attachment for the message body. (npickens) * mikel#982 – Faithfully preserve unfolded whitespace rather than collapsing to a single space. (jeremy) Bugs: * mikel#539 - Fix that whitespace-only continued headers would be incorrectly parsed as the break between headers and body. (ConradIrwin) * mikel#876 - Strip valid RFC-1342 separator characters between non-matching encoded-words (Caleb W. Corliss) * mikel#978 - Fix for invalid chars being left in a string for invalid b_value from encoding. (kjg) * mikel#996 - Fix that multipart/mixed emails with a delivery-status part could be interpreted as bounces. (kjg) * mikel#998 - Fix header parameter parsing (such as attachment names) for values encoded with a blank charset or language code. (kjg) * mikel#1000 - Fix header parameter parsing (such as attachment names) to transcode to UTF-8 (kjg) * mikel#1020 - Don't set SMTP verify mode to nil when config was not provided. (jhass) * mikel#1032 - Fix that comparing messages changed their raw Message-ID to their parsed message_id. (bobjflong) * mikel#1074 - Fix that the first address in a list is dropped when a subsequent address has non-US-ASCII characters. (domininik)
Mail 2.5.5 Security: * mikel#1097 – SMTP security: prevent command injection via To/From addresses. (jeremy) Bugs: * mikel#633 – Cope with message parts that have an empty Content-Type (ThomasKoppensteiner, zeepeeare) * mikel#689 - Fix Exim delivery method broken by mikel#477 in 2.5.4. (jethrogb)
Mail 2.6.5 Features: * mikel#1053 - Ruby 2.4.0 compatibility. Fixnum+Bignum unified as Integer. (peterkovacs) Bugs: * mikel#605 - Fix Mail::Address#name for nil addresses (peterkovacs) * mikel#1003 - Fix decoding some b encoded headers on specific rubies that don't account for lack of base64 padding (kjg) * mikel#1023 - Fix double-quoting in display names. (garethrees)