A pure Haskell implementation of the HMAC-DRBG cryptographically-secure PRNG, as specified by NIST SP 800-90A.
A sample GHCi session:
> -- extensions/b16 import just for illustration here; not required for use
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> :set -XRankNTypes
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
> -- import qualified
> import qualified Crypto.DRBG.HMAC as DRBG
> -- supply your own HMAC function
> import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
> -- instantiate a DRBG
> let entropy = "very random"
> let nonce = "very unused"
> let personalization_string = "very personal"
> drbg <- DRBG.new SHA256.hmac entropy nonce personalization_string
> -- use it to generate some bytes
> fmap B16.encode (DRBG.gen mempty 32 drbg)
> -- reuse the generator to get more; the state is updated automatically
> fmap B16.encode (DRBG.gen mempty 16 drbg)
> -- this DRBG was instantiated in the IO monad:
> :t drbg
drbg :: DRBG.DRBG ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.RealWorld
> -- but you can also use use ST to keep things pure:
> import Control.Monad.ST
> :{
ghci| let drbg_pure = DRBG.new SHA256.hmac mempty mempty mempty ::
ghci| forall s. ST s (DRBG.DRBG s)
ghci| :}
> :t drbg_pure
drbg_pure :: ST s (DRBG.DRBG s)
> runST $ drbg_pure >>= fmap B16.encode . DRBG.gen mempty 16
Haddocks (API documentation, etc.) are hosted at docs.ppad.tech/hmac-drbg.
The aim is best-in-class performance for pure, highly-auditable Haskell code.
Current benchmark figures on my mid-2020 MacBook Air look like (use
cabal bench
to run the benchmark suite):
benchmarking ppad-hmac-drbg/HMAC-SHA256/new
time 20.86 μs (20.78 μs .. 20.94 μs)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 20.82 μs (20.72 μs .. 20.93 μs)
std dev 370.6 ns (299.3 ns .. 456.6 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 15% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking ppad-hmac-drbg/HMAC-SHA256/reseed
time 13.98 μs (13.83 μs .. 14.18 μs)
0.999 R² (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 13.89 μs (13.79 μs .. 14.03 μs)
std dev 398.9 ns (296.7 ns .. 580.8 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 32% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking ppad-hmac-drbg/HMAC-SHA256/gen (32B)
time 21.10 μs (20.95 μs .. 21.25 μs)
1.000 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 21.19 μs (21.06 μs .. 21.36 μs)
std dev 509.2 ns (390.7 ns .. 812.2 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 24% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking ppad-hmac-drbg/HMAC-SHA256/gen (256B)
time 68.17 μs (67.62 μs .. 68.82 μs)
1.000 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 68.74 μs (68.42 μs .. 69.09 μs)
std dev 1.172 μs (1.022 μs .. 1.410 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 12% (moderately inflated)
This library aims at the maximum security achievable in a garbage-collected language under an optimizing compiler such as GHC, in which strict constant-timeness can be challenging to achieve.
The HMAC-DRBG implementation within has been tested against the NIST DRBGVS vectors available for SHA-256 and SHA-512, using the HMAC functions from ppad-sha256 and ppad-sha512 respectively.
If you discover any vulnerabilities, please disclose them via [email protected].
You'll require Nix with flake support enabled. Enter a development shell with:
$ nix develop
Then do e.g.:
$ cabal repl ppad-hmac-drbg
to get a REPL for the main library.