University of Maryland
- College Park
- https://ppope.github.io/
- Pro
explain_graphs Public
Code for "Explainability methods for graph convolutional neural networks" - PE Pope*, S Kolouri*, M Rostami, CE Martin, H Hoffmann (CVPR 2019)
rho-learn Public
Learning the Kohn-Sham charge density. Code and data for "Towards Combinatorial Generalization for Catalysts: A Kohn-Sham Charge-Density Approach" (NeurIPS 2023)
dimensions Public
Code for "The Intrinsic Dimension of Images and Its Impact on Learning" - ICLR 2021 Spotlight https://openreview.net/forum?id=XJk19XzGq2J
install_scripts Public
Install scripts for dev machines
2016-vr3 Public
Materials for the course "Visualization, Reporting and Reproducible Research", Spring 2016, NCF DS
nbstripout-test Public
Test of https://github.com/kynan/nbstripout
calysto_scheme Public
Forked from Calysto/calysto_schemeA Scheme kernel for Jupyter that can use Python libraries
AnomalyDetection Public
Forked from twitter/AnomalyDetectionAnomaly Detection with R
psychometric-analysis Public
Prediction of OCEAN personality scores from twitter data.
ncf-thesis Public
R scripts I wrote for my undergraduate thesis during Summer 2013.
fMRI-project-2014 Public
A comparison of classifiers in python and R. The data is fMRI, and the classifications are control, schizophrenia, and bipolar.